Mauna Loa

Mauna Loa is an industrial hub located on periphery of Free Space. Because of the active volcanic activity, habitation planetside is difficult, and a majority of the population lives in orbital stations above, and travels regularly down to the planet using shuttles and space elevators. It is a hot bed for mining rare minerals, specifically Plasteel.   It is technically under the jurisdiction of the Republican Remnant, though they are unofficially under the yolk of Magral Industrial, a burgeoning corpo-state that is garnering power within Free Space. Magral Industrial has a long, and spotty history when it comes to their track record on Mauna Loa. Before the silence, there is evidence that Magral was making use of illegal flash cloning in order to staff the dangerous mining positions planetside. Now, the planet primarily sees the use of industrial mechanized chassis and remote piloted vehicles to engage in the most dangerous work.
Location under
Owning Organization
Security RatingĀ 
Medium Security


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