Europa Prime

Europa Prime is one of the oldest and most revered systems within the Republican Remnant. They have one of the largest economies, and has secured itself as the bastion for the Unionist Party within the government. They dance a fine line between the rising industrial and socialist polities within the republic, and have tried to encourage peaceful compromise.   It was one of the original founders of the Republic, uniting systems under their banner following the end of the silence. They favored economic equality among member states, hoping to create a free-trade zone within Republican systems. They also sought to create a unified charter, to which republic systems would abide by. They found frienship in Koen, and the two have been closely tied to one another ever since.


Europa Prime is idealistic and scenic. It is wildly different in its topography and biomes, although it regularly resembles Earth in its prime. Lush forests and seas full of fish have been an active goal by the populace. They are careful to live alongside the ecology, rather than over it. Many of the more industrial polluting industries take place in the space above the planet, in complex orbital stations. These stations share space with the asteroid field that has formed around Europa.    It is a planet dense with oxygen, which has created large fauna and flora. Urbanization is kept to a limit, and highly regulated to ensure the delicate ecological balance.
Location under
Owning Organization


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