
Nestled in a safe little pocket of Free Space , the idyllic Koen may not be resource rich in rare materials like Isotope-10, but what it lacks in mineral resources, it makes up with natural beauty, and soil ideal for farming. It has long been ruled by Royal House of Tyrell, a pre-silence house that supposedly established the initial colony here.   Twenty times larger than earth, and three times as fertile, Koen has become a relative breadbasket of the Republican Remnant. Which it is happy to be. Food is made relatively cheap in the republic, thanks to Koen's keenness to keep its food cheap and accessible to all members of the Remnant. This in turns means that it makes many allies and friends among the senate, and has become the bastion of the leftist movement within the Republican Remnant.   The population here is staunchly pro-democratic, and chafe against the influence of the Colonial Earth Empire. However, many here are also wary of the Union of Socialist Systems, mostly from the grumblings of a growing wealthy landowning class. Instead, some are nestling up to the Musura Federation, making back room deals with merchant fleet captains.   The workers of Koen however remain staunchly isolationists, happy to live on their post-scarce planet and at large not interested in the loss of life in some far off fight in the mid-rim. A rare few, whether out of some idealogical goal, frustration with the inaction of the Republic, or to find a way to explore the galaxy will join up with Albatross, who maintain a Makteba in orbit.
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