
Mordana is a conveniently located planet right along the Fasaryr Run. This makes it an ideal distribution point for the local Free Space , and thus has become a hub for shipping and distribution throughout the sector. Locals have struck it rich from charging taxes on incoming ships. This central location has also made it ideal to transit tightbeams and communications all the way towards the Core Systems and is a key central Net Data Center in the Mid Rim.   Mordana is technically under the protection of the Republican Remnant, although money and corruption has seeped in, thanks to influences from the Red Sun Commonwealth and Corporate Assembly. The various landing pads and stations are run the by the Shipping Guilds, who in turn have a heavy hand in local governmental politics. For those who live away from the industrialized ports, they survive off of fishing and salvaging lost goods.   They are a bastion of the Industrialists in the Republic, and have garnered a coalition of like-minded systems. Their wealth has allowed them to fund growing industrialist movements in neighboring systems.
Location under
Owning Organization
System Gate 
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