
Illyria is home to the Illyrian throne, a constitutional monarchy that is one of the prominent supporters of the Jury Party. Illyria is the closest thing Free Space has to representing the "Old Country" Core Systems. It is as decedant as Temple, with a glitz and glammor to the city that shines like a beacon in the Mid Rim.   The planet however struggles under the weight of its own expectations. It maintains some of the most well respected liberal educational institutions in the Republic. It also is home to an underbelly that even Imperial Intelligence is wary to operate within the vast corrupt monarchy of Illyria. Most of the ultra wealthy hide in enclaves, protected by private security forces. While the vast majority live in squalor, building up slums in the shadow of the rich.   Security crackdowns are regular, and press is owned by the capital owning class. This has led to a rise of ulta-right bully squads rising to power, armed by weapons smuggled in from the Mid Rim. In recent years, they have began targeting Unionists, almost completing ousting them to other systems. Some unionists who stayed have formed a local "PDF" as a response, and armed gunfighst between the competing militias is a growing problem.


The planet is mostly water, and one large landmass that inhabits the southern hemisphere. Seasons mostly follow those similar to Earth (When it had seasons). Most of the population lives on this landmass, centered around arcologies built by the various noble families. The water is home to a smaller section of the population, where millions live on floating cities cobbled together with what it essentially the waste from the arcologies.    A great amount of wealth is divereted to air scrubbers, terraforming stations, and enviro-controllers that make sure the planet's excessive waste and pollution does not cause a full-scale meltdown like it did on Earth. Biodiversity is mostly contained to natural parks, established by various wealthy patrons and with limited access to your average citizen.
Location under
Owning Organization
System Gate
Security Rating
High Security


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