
Meri'Desh was the site of a great orbital battle that kicked off the original war the occurred between the Colonial Earth Empire and the Union of Socialist Systems. The planet is still a graveyard for ancient battle and archeologists are still finding ships buried beneath the ice. The Union Navy still maintains a large naval yard here, quick to re-purpose useful tech found here.   There are very few population planetside, and most are campuses maintained by Union academies and Central Simulation. These are primarily situated at the periphery of massive sinkholes in the frozen upper-ice layers. Most of these sinkholes were caused by capital-sized starships breaking through the atmosphere and smashing into these sinkholes. Most smaller ships burned up in the atmosphere, or are still orbiting Meri'Desh in a ring of debris and carnage.   These sinkholes can descend thousands of meters down, and campuses have a series of lifts and mid-way stations to allow the scientists easy access all up and down these sinkholes. The sinkholes have begun to freeze over the crashes, requiring careful drilling to extract these technological treasure troves.   

A Closely Guarded Secret

  Access to Meri'Desh is tightly regulated, and Union Forces are quick to intercept errant jump ships trying to pass through the fortified system. The technology here has proven an incredible ally to the Union, and they are keen to ensure that it is only used in the hands that can benefit from it. Rumors are that some of the original mech designs fabricated by Interplanetary Shipping - Northstar were found in the wreckage here, used to breach Imperial ships and cause the most damage possible.   


  Archeologists have recently discovered Sardanian ships among the wreckage. After some discussion, the Union reached out to the Nomad groups, and offered them access to sites where their ships were found. This regular diplomatic channel opened by the Union has resulted in a small city forming, and one of the few regular terrestrial gathering places of the Nomads.    Anchor is such city. It was once an small academic campus, situated around the greatest concentration of sinkholes on the planet. It was a prime location for larger supply ships to land neccessary gear. It has grown to now include much larger housing, built by both the Sardanians and the Union representatives there.
Location under
Owning Organization


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