
Home to Novostar and controlled by the Union of Socialist Systems. It is a temperate world, with sparse arcologies overlapped with the natural environment. The local systems are managed by the regional workers and the local unions and organized workers. The local populace wants for very little, and many people are left to their passions and academic research. Many of these scientist have begun to invent Navbox tech that is meant to explore Far Space.   The arts are also important here, with many of the arcologies and cities making use of the growing artist movements around the planet. This has caused the planet to become a refuge from those seeking reprieve from the struggles of the Mid Rim.


The geography of Beacon is temperate and comfortable, ideal for human occupation. This is intentional, and the architecture and infrastructure of the planet is built around the varied ecosystems, rather than through it. Beacon closely resembles Earth at its peak, with varied ecosystems.    The ring around the planet is rich with Isotope-10, and is mined regularly using both drone and skilled human labor.
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Security Rating 
High Security


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