Union Naval Ministry

The Union Naval Ministry (colloquially shortened to UN, for Union Navy) is the primary line of defense for the Union of Socialist Systems. It is subordinate to Central Committee , although it takes strategic and logistic direction from CENT/SIMM as well. Union’s navy is a sprawling, carefully administered organization that projects Beacon 's power to all corners of the Sovereign Space and beyond. It does this with a (relatively) small corps of Union-flagged capital and supercapital ships, supported by vast fleets of standardized, integrated auxiliary ships drawn from the navies of Union’s subject states.   Beyond the comparatively few ships it directly commands, the UN is an administrative and diplomatic body that shares a healthy institutional rivalry with the Union Administrative Department: while the UAD relies on administrators to accomplish its diplomatic goals, the UN relies on a corps of naval liaisons to accomplish its logistical objectives. Naval liaisons are officers of equivalent rank to administrators, with special imperative authority in times of crisis. Unless it is demanded by their local culture, administrators don’t carry weapons; naval liaisons, on the other hand, carry sidearms and wear uniforms of Naval Black, clearly marking them as part of Union’s military.   They are regularly active around their borders and within the primary shipping lanes, doing regular inspections and generally working against the interests of the Colonial Earth Empire. The Union Navy also is one of the greatest logistical marvels. Able to fully supply a world with food, clothing and building temporary shelter within months. In times of peace, the union works as a civil corps. They help build research outposts, respond to disasters, or help transport construction goods.   The Union Navy also commands and maintains the infamous Vanguard Revolutionary Forces, a special operations group that operates far beyond the official borders of the Union of Systems.  

People's Defensive Forces

  The largest asset the Union Navy has at their disposal is by far the People's Defensive Forces, or the Union Militias. While not a standing force, the PDF can be rapidly mobilized to turn the Union into one of the - if not the - largest forces in the entire Orion Arm.   In times of peace, the PDF is organized into more of a civil force of doctors, builders, law enforcement, and educators. Union citizens wear their peaceful service with pride. Many serve on the Union Far Field teams, or spend time doing salvage research on Meri'Desh. Others might volunteer their services to the war-torn systems in the Mid Rim, as advanced bio-mod doctors or advisors to local efforts.
Military, Navy
Alternative Names
Union Navy
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations

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