
The Thondor people thought this was supposed to be the home of their future generations. However, this was not to be. The Empire destroyed the planet with complex and lost paracausal technology. What is known is that there are energy and radiation signatures that some paracausal scientists connect to similar energies as a jump gate. However, others state that this is cannot be true, as no two jump gates signatures are the same. Samples collected from this region, and debris coming from the imploding planet have added even more confusion. Geological sample's mineral dates range from all the way back to the Dawn of Chronos. Some even theoritical samples are believed to exist somehow after the current date they were being studied. This implies that this area of space exists somehow in the present, in the past, and in the future.   Probes sent into this system rarely ever return, and those that do only dance along the outskirts of the furthest planet. The ones that do add no help to solving this evolving para-causal puzzle. Some probes have been scorched, blasted by radiation and debris. Some have their data corrupted, and even more confusing lies that some have come back leading towards isolated heli.OS cells.
Cracked Planet
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