Be'Teu Order

The Be'Teu Order is a collective of ascetic monastic religious Psions located within The Mid Rim. The Order serves as arbiters of peace and justice under the charter nations within the Republican Remnant, and as nomadic warrior-monks in service of the good in the galaxy at large. Many of the Order serve as enforcers of the local governments, acting as independent "Sheriff" types, working alongside Republic Rangers. The Be'Teu teach the methods of de-escalation, peace, and non violence, in adherence with the "Way". Their power only extends so far, and the growing corporate influence continues to chafe at their power. The Be'Teu have continued to lose ground, not wishing to involve themselves in the politics of the Republic. Instead, more and more of their order find themselves operating from the temples on Azule or on Cradle  Psions of the Be'Teu famously only resorting to their abilities when absolutely necessary. This takes the form of members being banned from carrying guns, instead wielding the precise blades and staves of a bygone era. They enhance these weapons with the use of their psionics abilities. Members of the order are regularly plucked from more primitive worlds, who view Psions as dangerous or who lack the medical facilities to ensure the psion can live a long happy life. Some are smuggled off hostile planets by members who follow the Way, and keep them from the arms of the likes of the Judicars or the Thay Witches. They are then brought in under the care of the Order at a young age, and are trained either to fit within the two main arms of the order, the Guardians and the Sages.   Guardians are primarily trained as negotiators, peacekeepers, and protectors. They have extensive schooling in philosophy, the social sciences, and cultural studies. Guardians are meant to settle disputes and end conflicts in the areas, not to engage in conflict themselves. This means that sometimes the local planets view the Be'Teu as aloof, and toothless.    Some also serve as various other positions, scientists, musicians, or artists. These are the Sages of the order. The Be'teu order funds itself through charity, and a small tithe from all the planets they serve in an official capacity. A majority of money finds its way to the order through other Ascetic groups. Be'Teu regularly serve worlds that pay no official tithe, so long as they are given space to live and farm for their own. Some are even rumored to have forsaken their peaceful ways, joining up with the Rebels in the mid rim, or even working alongside Vanguard Revolutionary Forces. The refugees of the growing conflicts in Terminus and Pacifica often find themselves relocated to one of the peaceful villages on Chandrill, where they are left to live out their days without want.    Be'Teu often find themselves at the odds of Judicars, searching for ancient tech and temples to help enhance their abilities. Some of the witches of Thay have also been known to oppose or assist the order, with almost no discernable reason as to when they might be allies or enemies.


The Organization of the Order is a mostly flat one. The Be'Teu do not operate under a single hierarchy but are instead organized as a collection of autonomous monasteries, who only answer to the Council on Chandrill. The council is a decided at the convergance. Thousands of Shamans, spiritual heads of Be'Teu monastaries, all take time to make a pilgrimage to Chandrill. They cast their votes for who will lead them, and then return back to their monastary.   Each monastary might have a slightly different variations, but most follow similar structures. Each is led by a Shaman, or in some cases of larger monastaries, a council of Shamans. They handle the most sensitive tasks, and are responsible for coordination with the larger Be'Teu order. How they are chosen varies from monastary to monastary. Some are chosen by feats of physical prowess, such as hunting a great beast. Others might chose their Shaman based off of an ancient and powerful Psionic ritual, usually calling on the collective memory of those who came before them.   Under the Shamans, are the Be'Teu Clerics. Many clerics are powerful in their own right, sometimes even more powerful than the Shaman. Clerics have skills in multiple arenas of Be'Teu life, and serve as bridges between the various departments. They often serve as advisors to the Shaman, and handle the most delicate situations. The rank and file of the Be'Teu order are made up of the Monks. Monks usually have a focus, whether it be document keeping, artifact hunting, protection or one of the many different skills that are required to maintain the Order on a daily basis.   The famous Be'Teu gaurdians are the ones most seen in newsreels across the galaxy. Guardians are Be'Teu monks or clerics who serve as travellers, investigators and warriors for the order. They are often seen at odds with the Imperial Judicars, Thay Witches, or Seerist Oracles. They compete for way artifacts, control over powerful way touched worlds, or knowledge on ancient Psionic knowledge. A typical guardian team usually consists of a Cleric, who leads the team and serves as its moral compass. Two or three monks, usually trying to fill the gaps of the Clerics knowledge and skills. Finally, an acolyte or two will usually accompany the guardian team, though they are usually older and close to attaining status as a Monk.   Acolytes serve under the monks, usually as journeymen, apprentices or assistants. They still have much to learn, but are still capable in their own right. Much time as an acolyte is spent finding their focus, and they spend time shadowing different Monks to learn about the greater order as much as possible. Some might spend decades as acolytes, while others might only spend a year. There is no shame in being an acolyte, and often their flexibility makes them an important tool of the order.   Younglings are orphans who were brought into the order because of their Psionic gifts. They are usually kept within the Monastary and given a wide bearth of education. When they are old enough, they are given a choice of whether or not they would like to stay in the order. If they do, they are welcomed as newly initiated Acolytes. If they chose to leave, the order has a promise to always welcome former Younglings back into the fold should they change their mind, though they must still start as an acolyte, no matter their age or knowledge gained.
Be'Teu Guardian Roka Keres
Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
The Order
Predecessor Organization
Controlled Territories
A Be'Teu Monastary located on @Azule
A Be'Teu and Judicar dueling, pre-silence


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