Proxima Zym

Proxima Zym is home to the Zym Cartel and the high bosses that run the day to day operations of the cartel space. Proxima Zym has collected wealth for centuries, and it is said to rival the elegance, grace, and beauty of the most lavish Throne Worlds. A true gem in the bleak and desolate hostile systems in Wild Space.   However, behind the facade of all the opulent manses and lavish palaces lies the gritty truth of the planet. Slums are built up along the dregs of these cities, and most of the wealth in concentrated in the top grouping of people. Brutal enforcers keep the rabble in line, and it is difficult for the average person to carve out a life here. Crime is commonplace here, which is unsurprising to the outside observer. A clever bosses knows which street gangs to bribe and employ to keep control over their sector firmly in their control.


Industrial waste and careless polluting has caused the ecology of Proxima Zym to deflate and become mostly artificial. Regular ecological disasters, like the toxi-storms plague the surface. Most palaces and upper-cities are shieled and protected, so the runoff effects primarily the poor and downtrodden.    The oceans churn with industrial sludge, and attempts to clean them up have been limp and ineffectual. Most of the cities remain isolated from the worst of the pollutants, but the biodiversity on Proxima Zym is non-existant. Most animals that remain do so despite the atmosphere, or they serve as a food source for the Zym Cartel.
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Security Rating
Medium Security


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