Theta Station

Theta Station is home to the illicit organization known as Eclipse. Eclipse supposedly captured the station from its previous owner, a cloner from before the silence. The station still contains many secrets, and part of Eclipse's success in the galaxy at a whole has come from unlocking more secrets of Theta Station.   Still, many secrets remain, and the Station still has death in store for those who tread poorly. Eclipse has found, "unique" workarounds and ways to test the labryinth, although progress is slow. Supposedly, there is a series of vaults at the center of the station, and any attempt to breach it from the outside could threaten the overall structure. So, instead, through the use of drones, unwilling test subjects, and careful study, Eclipse has been gently prodding the station for decades.   Navbox data to get to Theta Station is closely guarded, and it is rumored that the station randomly jumps every few weeks or so. The only way so far to get to the station is to be fully inducted into the organization, or be brought there as one of the test subjects. To get the Navbox data, one usually requires a brain chip to be installed by one of Eclipses cyber-docs.


The architecture of the station is distinctly pre-silence. It is luxurious and gaudy, with no extravagance spared. Massive shielded windows showcase the nebula the station is located in. The living quarters are massive, and trimmed in rare metals and precious gemstones. Statues of long-forgotten nobles line these hallways, watching the members of Eclipse try to bumble their way through the ancient technology. The station has a fully functioning biodome the size of a large town, filled with plants and animals from all over the galaxy.


The whole station is armed with a suite of dangerous pre-silence tech, and the anti-ship defenses have been mostly harnessed by its current residents. These include automated turrets, highly advanced shielding, and incredibly thick armor.
Megastructure, Orbital scale
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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