Hai Tuk

Hai Yuk, also known as the Smuggler's Moon, is a semi-independent moon nestled at a cross section in the Terminus Systems. It gained its independence from the Zym Hegemony following a series of legal battles by the various controlling entities of Hai Yuk and its massive population.   It was a conjunction of interests by the corpo-barons, the local organized security forces, and a ad hoc provisional government (mostly made up of the previous two groups). The Zym Cartel at that moment, lacked the force projection to forcibly occupy the moon. So, the planet got its unique form of independence. However, the Smuggler's Moon still maintains a semi-open trade agreement with the Cartels. Hai Tuk in turn sees a great amount of wealth and trade pass through.    The Cartels regularly spend time on the Moon, securing contacts and playing nice with the local corpo-barons. Trillions of credits pass through this system, and its said that there's "not a gun in terminus that hasn't passed through Hai Tuk".    The ecumenopolis orbits around a massive gas giant, known simply as Tuk. It is thought that Hai Tuk is the original source of the now galactic narcotic, Slo-Mo.


99% of the entire moon of Hai Tuk is a cityscape, and most of the wealthy residents live at the top of its magnificent skyscrapers. Most of these connect through long skytunnels.
Planetoid / Moon
Location under
System Gate 
Security Rating 
Medium Security 


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