
Caspia is the idylic and remote capital of the United Caspian Commune. It was home to the uprising that eventually led to the splitting of the galactic regional power of the Zym Hegemony. When the silence fell, Caspia was a remote mining colony, rich with resources and home to a diverse population. Large cities began to sprout up around the mining networks, and soon a robust economy and unique culture developed seperately from the overarching Zym Hegemony.    Years of political and economic exploitation of Caspian in the years prior to the Silence led to worldwide demonstrations, and nationalistic violence against the overlords from Proxima Zym. This was followed by an over-reaction by the Zym Patriarchs.   The silence fell, and the hegemony was in extreme disarray following the Mechanicus Jihad. Caspia was the first to sieze the oppurtunity, and declared independence. When the hegemony arrived, it was shown that the United Caspian Commune was organized, and had outfitted their mining ships and cities with orbital weaponry. The fortified populations went underground, into bunkers that had been carved out of the mines on the planet.
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
System Gate 
Security Rating 
High Security 


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