
Planet Type: Spherical earth body E●E   Astronomical type: TERRESTRIAL SPHERE   Planet Size: E   Diameter*: 8900  miles   Circumference*: 27900 miles   Day length: 24 standard hours   Year length: 365 planetary days   Distance/Time To:   The Sun: 200 000 000 miles   Wildspace system border: xxx miles   Escape time: 4 turns   Satellites: 1 moon, asteroid cluster   Environment class:   Population analysis: Human and humanoid races most prevalent   *length, diameter, and circumference are rounded to the nearest 100.   *maximum dimensions measured as a cylinder but actual body is irregularly proportioned  


  Selûne   Tears of Selûne  

Notible Hazards

  Blizzards   Floods   Geysers   Hurricanes   Quicksand   Sandstorms   Tornadoes   Tremors   Whirlpools   Volcanic Eruptions  

Notible Resources

  Every major spelljam¬ming port on Toril has its own version of “valu¬able.” In Waterdeep, the introduction of magical items is very popular. Everyone wants an item from another world, because they are hoping it contains some immense power that is un¬matched here. Waterdeep exports magic items as well, with everfull casks being the biggest seller. Food products and clean water are neces¬sities for spelljammers, so these are readily available at a somewhat higher price than dic¬tated in the Player’s Handbook. Fish produce is by far the largest food commodity sold here, be¬cause of the outstanding natural deep water har¬bor. Because of the relationship Waterdeep has with other large cities in the Heartland, much metalwork is available, either for general pur¬chase or by special order. Adventurers from around the world flock here to find hard coin and teeth-gritting adventure. Many of these men and women can be “rented” by nearly any spell¬jamming crew for the standard prices listed in the Player’s Handbook.   To dock at Waterdeep’s expansive facilities, there is a fee of one copper piece per ten feet of keel length, for one week of docking rights. Every week, this tax must be paid again, or the ship must be moved. If it is not removed, the city guards forcibly move it to open sea, where it floats off, eventually to be captured and used by pirates or merchants.   Calimport is the largest city in Toril, but it fails to outshine Waterdeep in popularity. Many peo¬ple are reluctant to go there because of its high population. Nevertheless, the city’s trade pros¬pers. The city imports many food products, in¬cluding grains, fruits, and vegetables, but no meats. The dry lands of Calimshan are good for little else but grazing. Bread is expensive in Ca¬limport, and many fruits and vegetables are sim¬ply not available to common people because of their extremely high price. Beer and wines are also imported, though trika, a sweet and potent wine made from palintrike, is readily available. Trika is the most popular drink in Calimport.   The city exports magical items, exotic spices, alchemical supplies, silk, gems, and fine horses.   Wu Pi Те Shao is the name of the mountain range that separates Shou Lung from the Great Sea. There, in the middle of the largest glacial ridge, lies an Arcane base called The Dock, known for its high taxes. This obscure spot was chosen several hundred years ago by the Arcane because of its locale. By land, it is nearly impos-sible to get to. Within its borders, the Arcane have made available nearly everything needed or desired by the spelljammer. Major and minor helms are sometimes in abundance, as well as rudders of propulsion and ships.   The Dock is policed by many spacefaring races, all well paid by the Arcane. Any act initi¬ated against the facility, the Arcane, or their guests, is met by these formidable police agents. Usually, offenders are stranded on Toril, sent out into the mountains to the west to fend for themselves. There has never been a reported survivor from this punishment.   The purchase of food is limited, because the facility does not have any arable land—only gla-cial ice. Most of the food available is sold by merchants who happen to be around at the time. The Arcane are known to purchase food from these traders as well, and then sell it to The Dock’s visitors and residents at 10 times its nor-mal price. Water is sold in blocks of ice. Unfro¬zen water can be bought at The Dock for a copper piece per glassful. The Dock has a large indoor bazaar, where everything imaginable is sold, sometimes even at bargain prices. Occasionally, even neogi show up to purchase items of value, and to sell the slaves they have managed to kidnap.   When a spelljamming mage is looking for a crew, the most likely place for him to look is at The Dock. This is where the majority of crews are thrown together and sent into wildspace. The Dock is an invaluable place for the coin- hungry and blood-thirsty adventurer.   The spelljamming spaceport at Chunming, Kara-Tur, is beautiful. Its architecture was pains¬takingly perfected, while remaining extremely functional as well. Columns of wood and forged metals with embedded jade surround the struc¬ture as it extends out into the sea about 300 feet. The docks have the capacity to hold nearly 100 ships in wet dock, while holding 20 more in dry. It is said that 10 artisans died for every foot of dock created. Chunming imports exotic foods and spices from the known spheres. Traders are also inter¬ested in magical items of all types, alchemical designs, and mages for hire. They are very will¬ing to pay top coinage for high-level mages and priests who are willing to sell their services to the Shou Lung empire.   Usually these prices are equivalent to ten tael, or electrum per level of the spell caster per month. When casters are hired, they must sign an elaborate contract which basically puts them into indentured servitude to Shou Lung for three months or more at a time. During the span of the contract, anything that the character cre¬ates or does is the sole property of Shou Lung, although they do have the right to duplicate copies of the original material to take with them. All duplicate material is penned down for later use by the Shou Lung empire to determine if the hired spell caster is using the newly cre¬ated item or spell against his former employer, an illegal act in the contract. Any who disobey are usually killed by hired assassins. The actual killings can happen years later, because it can be difficult to locate one person in the spheres, ■but one should be warned. The Shou Lung em¬pire is known for its persistence.   Chunming exports various artisan crafts which are highly valued in almost every culture. The city is known for its excellent quality jade figurines. Jade usually is a translucent green color, but also appears in red, white, bluish- green, and black. The non-green colors are usu¬ally twice as expensive as the green because of their relative rarity.   The city also makes smoke powder, paper products, and artillery available for sale, but their biggest sellers are scrolled sorcery spells and physicians’ potions and powders. These ar¬cane supplies are in high demand, because their relative simplicity makes their effectiveness that much more reliable. Many cultures have shrouded their magical arts in so much ritual and intrigue that the simplest of spells can be difficult to learn, and there still is no guarantee of effectiveness. Shou Lung spells are so sim¬plistic that they hardly ever fail.   The city of liso, in the country of Wa, is a spell-jamming port that very few know about, and one that very few return to. The laws here are so strict that any wrong move can cost one’s life. For those who dare the dangerous, liso proves to be a prosperous stop in trading or adventur¬ing routes. The largest exports that the city has are rice, cloth and textiles, fruit and vegetables, and processed meats. Sometimes, liso citizens who are proud of their professions bring their work directly to the docks so crews can watch as they create the product they are about to sell. Many crafted items, including baskets, eating utensils, and valuable silk clothing, are availa¬ble, and the prices cannot be beat. Any item pur¬chased in liso can be bought for 25% less than the rating given in the Player’s Handbook. Unfor-tunately for the seller, a hefty 40% tax is levied on anything sold.    

Spelljammer Ports



  Port Rating: B   Personnel 4   Supplies: 5   Spelljamming Facilities: 4   Landing: Water   Here, spelljammers are wel-comed and even embraced. A strictly enforced law requires all spelljamming ships to touch down onto the ocean’s surface miles away from the city and actually sail into port to lessen the possibilities of mass-panic.   This law limits many ships from being able to land. The government realizes that this flaw in the legal system could affect the city’s eco¬nomic growth possibilities, but they do not care. All who disobey this law are abruptly and harshly arrested, fined, jailed, and indentured for no less than 12 years. The Waterdeep offi¬cials are very strict with this law. No matter how important a person is, all get the same sentence.   Once docked, the crew can brag and spin tales as they see fit. In fact, many mages and sages in the area crowd the city looking for spelljamming adventurers to drag stories out of them. When leaving, the same law applies, but this time the state is unable to catch law¬breakers until they return to the city. This inabil¬ity may soon be changing, because the city’s officials are attempting to purchase many helms and ships to deal with this recurring prob¬lem. Their goal is to have an airborne police force within a few years. At the present rate of growth, this goal will soon be reached.  


The second spelljamming port is located in Calimport, where officials insist that spelljam¬ming ships land on water miles away from the city before heading in, just as in Waterdeep. This law is in effect, because most people in the city would prefer to buy an item that was in wild¬space instead of the same item that wasn’t, even if the price of the first is much more than the lat¬ter. If anyone disobeys this law, the perpetrators are usually found dead the next morning—or never found, period. The policing for this law is not done by the city itself, but by the merchants’ guilds. To date, not a single merchant has ever been prosecuted for the murder or kidnaping of a spelljamming merchant who disobeyed the city entrance ordinance—the merchants are known to stick together and cover each other in these matters. If a spelljammer is ever found to be ownerless, it is sold to the highest bidder, and the money is split evenly between the city’s mer-chant’s guilds and the city government.  


The continent of Kara-Tur contains the vast majority of known spelljamming ports. Coun¬tries like Shou Lung, Wa, and the Wu Pi Те Shao Mountains all contain trading ports that are open to spacefaring traders.   Shou Lung’s city, Chunming, is the greatest trading post available to the wildspace trader on Toril excluding The Dock on the Wu Pi Те Shao mountains. Here, spelljamming crews are ac¬cepted and even envied by the everyday citizen. The Shou Lung leadership insists that spell¬jammers be flown over the city before docking in the ocean or in specially made dry docks. Spelljamming craft are never allowed to float in from the sea. If these ships are caught, they are destroyed to the last spar. This is because these ships are in a different tax bracket than conven¬tional trading ships. The crew can expect to pay an additional docking tax, because of the air that the ship gains when entering the planet’s at¬mospheric envelope. This tax is usually one fen per ship tonnage. One fen is equal to a copper piece, but since the Shou Lung government is strict regarding its monetary system, the cur¬rency must first be changed into the Kara-Tur standard, at a fee of 5%, before this docking fee can be paid. Crews can expect to be followed by a few on-the-edge revenue agents until this tax is paid.   Meanwhile, the ship is quarantined by several ninja, monk, and kensai agents. Monetary change stations litter the docks at Chunming. After all trading and bartering is completed, spelljammer crew members are not allowed to remove Shou Lung currency from the country. Offenders of this law are often hunted down by Shou Lung dragon ships and properly dealt with—this means either complete decimation of the offending ship and her crew, or the total loss of all monetary and trade good assets.  


  In the country of Wa, in the city of liso, lies a medium-sized spelljamming port that is some¬what unknown. The country takes great care in hiding its identity in space, because its involve¬ment there is quite chaotic. It has, in the last sev¬eral decades, designed and built its own extremely potent battle fleet. These large battle jammers are known as Tsunami, while the smaller ships they manufacture are called the Locusts.   The locusts are carried within the hull of the tsunami, being released only for espionage or survey missions, or during times of battle. The government of Wa is worried about the Shou Lung and the elven presence in space, fearing that these two groups are doing nothing but ad¬vancing their own profit, while limiting those of others—mainly theirs. The tsunami were cre¬ated to limit Shou and elven involvement, while increasing Wa’s trade profits. Unfortunately, with their current foreign policy, they are doing nothing to increase trade with the other nations on Toril, let alone the races in space.   When a ship docks at liso, it is surrounded by up to 30 government agents, sent to make sure the spelljammer is not a spy ring or a group of saboteurs. There is a flat fee of 40 fen to place the spelljammer at the docks. Wildspace traders must conduct all trading directly from the ship; they are never allowed to leave its confines.   Even if a member of the crew has died, and other crew members seek burial rites, they are not allowed to exit the ship. Anyone doing so af¬ter the first warning is promptly slain by the nearest government agents. Very few people ap¬proach the docks, because they fear the harsh hand of the government. The tsunami ships dock there, and people do not want to be exe¬cuted for spying by merely looking at these magnificent ships. This limits the amount of trade that the city could have with spelljamming societies.   As a rule, the government demands that spell-jamming ships dock in their facilities vertically. This is merely out of curiosity. The books kept by the scholars demand knowledge of every lit¬tle detail that can be seen. The things that these ships offer for sale are recorded as well.  

The Dock

  In the middle of the largest glacial mass within the Wu Pi Те Shao mountains lies proba¬bly the strangest spelljamming port on Toril— The Dock. There are over 300 separate dry docks, for spelljamming ships of less than 300 tons. Writing of all sizes and languages is scat¬tered across the docks and cut into the glacial ice. These writings invite spelljamming ships to dock at “The only Arcane Trading Post on Toril.” When crews dock there, magical tether ropes and docking mechanisms guide the spelljam¬ming ship into a safe and inertia-free docking position. A dock hand with two wands lit at their ends, guides the magically enchanted docking facilities. Once the docking procedures are complete, they are immediately met by a thin man carrying a worn briefcase made from the skin of some unfortunate reptilian creature. This man immediately demands the sum of one copper piece per ship tonnage as a dock mainte¬nance tax, while asking for an additional silver for every 10 tons of ship, for the use of the plan¬et’s air. If the first tax is not paid, the ship must leave immediately. If the second tax is not paid, which is specifically called an optional tax, the ship later suffers unexplainable fire or hull dam¬age.   Once these taxes have been paid, the crew is encouraged to bring trade material to the huge bazaar located at the center of The Dock. Unfor-tunately, the seller is charged an import tax on anything he removes from the ship. This tax amounts to 5% of the total worth of all items. The tax agent has a complete list of every imagi¬nable item and its estimated worth in the brief¬case, and taxes are charged according to that list. The prices are accurate, and continually up¬dated as needed. All items that are sold are also taxed. This sales tax is paid by the purchaser, and equates to an easy 10%.   Once the traders have sold all they can, they must pay an export tax of 5% before any mer-chandise is allowed to exit the premises. If the crew does not wish to pay this tax, items can be stored at one of the many storage companies that have taken residence at The Dock. These companies, under the direct supervision of the Arcane, charge one copper piece per cubic yard of storage space per month. If the rent payment is even one day late, the items stored mysteri¬ously disappear. Storage unit rents can be paid months or even years in advance.   When the crew is ready to depart the facilities of The Dock, they are charged one silver for every day their ship spent in the docks. This rental fee pays for the policing of the area, the tax agent wages, and other miscellaneous ex¬penses. If this last tax cannot be afforded, the crew members lose their ship and become resi¬dents of The Dock. At that point, they must find employment; otherwise, they will be unable to afford food or housing. Despite the hatred most people have of the tax system, the services of the Arcane bring them back again and again.  


  About 2,000 miles south of the Moonshae Isles lies the island nation of Nim- bral. This beautiful place, known for its mer¬chant traders, are found up and down the Sword Coast. Here at a city called Rauthaven, is a spell¬jamming port known as The Resort. This is a very well known place in spacefaring circles. Spelljammers are heartily welcomed here, and are encouraged to use all the facilities available in order to rest and relax. Ships are not allowed to perform any trade whatsoever, but are encouraged to spend, spend, spend. Docking is free as long as a crew patronizes the bars, saunas, massage parlors, and other facilities available to them. If they have no plans to use the facilities, a fee of 20 gold pieces is levied against the ship. The city is literally drowning in bars and restaurants. Every imaginable taste in food is represented here— even illithid and neogi can expect to find their favorite dishes here.   Being a peaceful people, Nimbral has made brawling an offense. Instigators are thrown in jail for the night, with a one gold piece fine. Kill¬ing someone is a capital offense. Normally, the Lanthan government would have the culprits committed to the mental institution in the mid¬dle of the island to be retaught—brainwashed— in Nimbral ways, but since most spelljammer crews are not citizens, they are merely expelled from the island resort forever. To make sure that past offenders are never allowed on the island again, customs agents carry spectacles of true seeing which allow them to see through all illu¬sions, makeup jobs, and disguises within 100 feet of the wearer.   The only way onto the island is from its north-ern side, where the beach is lined with hundreds of docks. If a spelljammer attempts to land else-where on the island, the ship stops descending about two miles up. There is no magical way to get to the island. Teleport and other motive spells stop functioning when the destination de¬sired is somewhere on the island. All means of transportation to Nimbral must be non-magical in nature.    

Notable NPC

  An Ching Wang Elminster Khenel Baronsun
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