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The Vensian people are the ancestors of all the eastern peoples. Though they are no longer a single unified cultural group, Vensian blood has been incorporated into all four of the basic racial lines, and they have been a cultural influence across the globe. Originally dwelling in the desert river valleys of the Region of Vensia, they were first encountered (and conquered) by the ancient Solari. From them they learned the Pyraic method of Ether, which later came to be associated with the eastern and southern cultures. Remnants of Vensian culture can be seen on the southern continent among the Ismani, as well as on the northern continent in the Mirrilings, Rakkian Uruks, and even in the Lurvite Aisheloni.   Generally speaking, Vensians are of medium build, and have dark tanned skin and rounded ears. Their straight hair is very dark brown, as are their slanted almond-shaped eyes. Men tend to wear their hair long, and can be found clean-shaven or bearded. Women's hair is kept straight and long. One unique eastern racial trait is something called 'Affinity.' By touch, all Vensic peoples have a natural ability to sense the presence of life in other people or creatures.   MARITES: Marite culture is one of the earliest human civilizations that grew up around the Serendine Sea in ancient days. Known for being proficient sailors and fishermen, they dwelled in coastal regions and on various tropical islands in the Serendine Sea, south of Aishelon.   SULMARIANS: Having migrated from the eastern lands of Vensia to the land of Sulmare ("Beyond the Sea") in ancient days, the Sulmarans were the first of the eastern cultures to reach and settle in the subcontinent of Wessa. In the eras that followed, the original Vensian colonists intermarried with northern Kainen and western Breani Fae, giving them darker features than most people who dwell in Wessa.   MINDRALING/MINDRASSIAN CULTURE: Inhabiting a broad region in Eastern Vensia, Mindralings (aka Mindrassians) get their name from the land of Mindar ("land of temples"), a large fertile plain between the Astagirijala (the "western" mountains), and the coast of Manohara Bay and the Midnight Sea. The cities of Mindar are some of the largest in the world, and the masses that live there are stratified into many classes of people, from the fantastically wealthy to the poorest of the poor.   ROSHANIAN CULTURE: North of the Vensia proper is the land of Roshan. As civilization spread north up the Vena River, the Vensian language and culture influenced the tribal warrior cultures of the lands east of the Arejhal Sea.   ELARIANS: Elarians dwell in the region known as "Vensia Proxima" (the near east) not far from Aishelon. They primarily dwell within cities and towns. Regardless of their station, Elarians have a very cosmopolitan outlook, and take great pride in their own home city. They are of medium build, and have dark tanned skin and rounded ears. Their straight hair is very dark brown, as are their eyes. Men tend to wear their hair long, and can be found clean-shaven or bearded. Women's hair is kept straight and long; they often wear veils.   MIRRILING CULTURE: Heirs of the coasts and islands of Serendine Sea originally belonging to the ancient Marites, Mirrilings did not come into prominence until the Age of Exile. They are known for being great sailors, traders, and explorers, and came to be the founders of a great Empire during The Age of Exile. In altter eras, there was almost no sea-port in the world that was not visited by Mirriling merchants. Theirs became the standard language and number system used for international trade both east and west.    Being sea-folk, all Mirrilings are taught to swim as infants (no initial improvement points required many find work as fishermen. Mirriling culture is advanced in art and architecture. They often use light-weight materials such as paper and bamboo, along with sturdy marble and limestone, to produce buildings that are works of art as well as being structurally sound. Though the eastern races are not generally known for ethereal prowess, Mirriling alchemists produce potions and compounds that are sold throughout the world. The Mirriling culture is ruled by aristocratic families called "Houses." Mirriling political power is egalitarian with respect to gender, with Houses having either patriarchal or matriarchal heritage.    Mirrilings are of medium build, and have dark tanned skin and rounded ears. Their straight hair is very dark brown, as are their almond-shaped eyes. Men generally wear their hair cropped short and are usually clean-shaven. Women's hair ranges from long to short.   MERIDIAN CULTURE: The term "Meridian" is a catch-all name for the pre-Ismani people of the southern continent, but still persists in later ages as a reference to people who live along the northern coastal regions of the southern continent. The decendants of Vensian merchant explorers from around the Serendine Sea, the name Meridia derives from an old vensian word meaning "South." They share both Vensian and Uruk ancestry.   While Meridians many dwell in coastal seaport cities, while others prefer the life of desert nomads. At heart, all Meridians are merchants; their trade ruotes cross both land and sea. Originally pagan idol worshippers during The Age of Epiphany, in later eras many adopted the religion of Isman, whose cultural influence came to prevail in southern lands.    This leads to a strange duality. On the one hand, Meridians are taught to demonstrate a moral duty to their community by the living of ethical lives with respect for others. On the other hand, they are led by a strong capitalistic ideology which drives them to seek personal and material success for themselves. Many of their stories and folktales explore the way in which these two values often conflict with one another.   Meridians are first and foremost a trading people, with merchants who travel great distances in caravans from city to city. Such extensive trade allows the common "Merchant" language of Meridia to be used over a vast area of land, north and south, with people from all walks of life able to communicate with one another. Along with camels and other animals transplanted from the north, the Ismani also make use of the many large reptilian herd creatures of the south, as mounts and beasts of burden in their travels. Desert-dwelling nomads who live under the open skies among the barren dunes, they are sub-divided into tribal groups. Sometimes these tribes will work together in a loose confederacy; at other times they can be bitter rivals. Each tribe is led by a sheik, usually an older male leader of an hereditary line. Culturally, females tend to have a much more restrictive life than males do. They are often “protected” from larger society, and not allowed to interact with men in any public way, and are required to wear full veils.
Diverged ethnicities


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