Keplar Empire Settlement in Stacked Odds | World Anvil

Keplar Empire

200 - 240 Era of Expansion   240 - 274 Era of Peace


The Empire of Keplar has a lot more diversity than the Keplar Nobility Class would like to believe.

While Keplar Valley may be predominantly human and light skinned, the remainder of the empire is far from homogenous. South Keplar is much more diverse with many people who are ethnically Calderan, Deltan , and Remnant. There are also many non-human species such as Udon, Olollo, and Paraves.

The colonies of Keplar are primarily full of people who are not ethnically Keplan.


Keplar is a monarchy with a royal bloodline that runs back to Atticus Keplar. The King is only allowed to have one wife, and is only allowed to re-marry under special circumstances. The first born son is raised to be the next king, but the King can declare a new 'heir apparent' if the first son does not seem capable of handling the task of leadership. Only once in the history of Keplar has their been a female ruler.   Keplar Valley and South Keplar are run as two different regions under the same King. All other positions under the King are unique to each region. The Second Prince Hades is currently the Viceroy of South Keplar and administers the region under his father's orders.

The 3 Special Administartive Zones are also run by Viceroys assigned by the King. The colonies must pay taxes to Keplar and use Keplar currancy, but they mostly operate under their own laws. Tribunes will be sent in to both make judgment and enforce laws when needed.


  • 299_Keplar
Founding Date
12 CE
National Territory
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

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