
The Journalist

Calloway Ferdinand Beaufort (a.k.a. Cal)

Cal is just an ordinary man trying to pay his bills in overpriced Tri City.
  Cal used to have his own weekly tech-review article in the Triangle Times newspaper, but his article was cancled and now he does investigative journalism. He is not what you would call a 'people person' and has struggled with connecting with the more 'human' element of his stories. He is used to taking a more logical approach to the topics he writes about.   Cal grew up in Keplar Valley with his father's family. He was relatively close with his half-sister Anya and half-brother Troa. His mother was employed by his father's family as the maid/babysitter so she could be around her son as he grew up. Cal and his father do not have close relationship by any means.   Cal left the Keplar Empire after his sister went missing. He got a job in Tri-City where his mom's family now lives, but he didn't want to reconnect with them until he had a bit more success in his career.

Cal often feels like his lack of success in his job and finances makes him a disapointment.

It is through his journalism work that he recconects with his cousin Annabell and gets involved with the Bronze Age.

He first meets Eeva during the plot of Midnight Charade.

Physical Description

Body Features

Cal is relatively short for a male character. He isn't very athletic or too concerned with building physical strength, though he is pretty good at carrying heavy loads when traveling. He is defined by more sturdy and square shapes.

Facial Features

Narrow but slightly angular face
Large forehead (common trait among O'Donnell family)
Large nose, but narrow
Eyes deeper set (common trait among Beaufort family)
Prominent Flat Brow Ridge
(common trait among O'Donnell family)
Designed to have varrying levels of facial hair to fit the story

Apparel & Accessories

Cal's style is centered around more traditional men's fashion ideas with a lot of structured garmets.

Usually multiple layers
Suit jackets or overcoats , absolutely never black
Grey or blue fedoras, absolutely never black
Button up shirts can be left unbottoned with t-shirt below for more casual
Rolled up sleeves are very common
Light lavendar is often used to substitute white
Overcoats are generally the only clothes in brown tones
Most accessories will be brown leather
Brown leather belts, brown leather shoes, brown leather notebook

Specialized Equipment

Cal is always carrying a notebook with him and is always writing something down.
He has a fountain pen, a very new invention, and he often spins it when sitting and waiting.
Cal's backpack is very important to his character, and he often carries items for other people.
He tries to stock his backpack with items he knows other people will probably forget.
Cal not only uses crossbows, but he is partially responsible for the design of the repeater crossbow used by the Keplar Military.
Cal does not like guns, but he is a good shot from a distance.
Cal believes a pointy stick is the most elegant weapon.
He can use a shield with his spear if needed.
Can improvise a weapon with whatever long sticks he finds in the world.

Mental characteristics


Cal grew up and went to school in the Keplar Empire and like all males between the age of 15-20 he attended millitary school in Keplar Valley. As a way to avoid anything even remotely resembling combat he took the millitary engineer path, first working on catapults and later working on the printing presses for the propoganda machine.   Outside of learning to fix machines for the military, most of Cal's studying was done independently, as Keplar schools don't value teaching about science or history of anything other than Keplar.   During his time working in the Keplar Propoganda Ministry, Cal started publishing a weekly article reviewing various new technologies and newly invented products.


Cal is an investigative journalist working for Triangle Times. After working for the Keplar Propoganda Ministry during his time at military school, Cal took his tech-reviews to the Triangle Times in Tri-City.

He had success for a time before his frustration with the corporate machine started to seep into his writing. The Triangle Times eventually canceled Cal's Tech Reviews because of the overly political and negative tone the articles were starting to take.

Now Cal has to scramble for stories as an investigative journalist, trying to find new stories worth the attention of the paper before other reporters can get to them. It is a stressful way to pay your bills, and if he doesn't get enough articles accepted by the editor it is going to be hard to afford rent the next month.

Morality & Philosophy

Cal firmly believes in the power of technology to make people's lives easier.

Growing up Cal had a very caring mother, but she had so much work to do she was always exhausted and didn't always have a lot of time to spend with him. This shapped Cal's perspective on technology, and as he grew up he was excited by the possibilities of new technology releasing his mother and other hard working individuals from some of that labor.

Working as a tech-reviewer in Keplar and Tri-City, Cal quickly realized that not all technology is used for good. He became familiar with the greed or corporations and the fat cats getting rich of the labor of others. The more he watched these so called 'captains of industry' use the technology to enrich themselves while only making things worse on the hard working people, the more cynical Cal became.

Feeling betrayed by the industrialization he once though would bring hope to people, Cal is now just a disenfranchised journalist just trying to pay rent and survive another week.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Cal likes spicy food.
He is a big fan of jazz music and sometimes likes swing dancing
He plays guitar when he wants to relax
He likes writing short stories and wants to publish one someday
He is a big fan of quality made products made be passionate craftsmen
  Cal dislikes tuna
He does not like being touched
He does not like loud environments
He hates seeing technology used to make life harder

Vices & Personality flaws

Cal drinks too much alcohol, but he isn't susceptible to addictive tendencies.

Cal is often lazy and unmotivated.

He is often cynical about things and uses that as an excuse to not try hard.

He avoids uncomfortable situations to the point of just staying away from things

He keeps most people and things at a distance because caring to much might cause uncomfortable situations

Personality Quirks

Cal is a very distant person. He lives his life as if watching himself through binoculars.   Cal is far from shy, but he often doesn't know what to say to people.   Certain emotions are hard for Cal to feel or understand.   If he sees a problem he has the desire to help and will try to find logical solutions to help, but he stuggles with how to respond to people who are sad or hurt.
Current Status
Investigative journalist trying to pay his bills
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
22nd or Winter
Year of Birth
275 CE 23 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Bastard child, his father knocked up the babysitter
Keplar Valley
Current Residence
Medium Brown
165 cm
75 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm probably going to regret this, but what the hell..."   "So I did the only logical thing and __________"
Other Affiliations


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