Tri-City Trading Presents: Moon Geographic Location in Stacked Odds | World Anvil

Tri-City Trading Presents: Moon

Formerly knows as Sarsaparilla, the moon was purchased by JP Blooman in the year 280 for a total of ¢10,000,000 Federal Coal, $36,000,000 Keplar Silver Coins, and $14,000,000 Delta Quarts.

Only the three countries made a contract with JP Blooman, so people in other parts of the world often still call it Sarsparilla. The governments in the 3 world powers, as well as Tri-City (with Mayor Vanderfeller being JP Blooman's close friend, all strictly enforce the law stating that "All written work and public speeches must refer to the moon as "TCT Presents - Moon" or get fined."

The standard fine for calling the moon the wrong name in public is ¢100 Federal Coal. However, if it is called the wrong name in books or media the fine can reach thousands of dollars.
Alternative Name(s)
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