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Session 14: A Deadly Game, Part X

General Summary

Day 6, Evening Everyone is on The Mynock's Wing and trying to decide the best way to proceed. After much discussion, the three padawans decide to go to dinner with Kritia Haccor. Lem comms Kritia's droid assistant to let them know they are coming. As Rin steers the ship away from its course toward the The Onyx Tigers base, Vass Manduc sends them a message saying that it looks like they are not coming and their dealings are over.   They land at Haccor's estate an hour early, and after initially leaving Lyshea out of the decision-making process, Lem invites her to join them at the dinner. After a brief wait, Kritia and her staff meet the group at their ship. After brief introductions and pleasantries, they follow Kritia into the luxurious estate and are seated in a guilded dining hall. The conversations over dinner range over a series of topics:  
  • Lem explains to Kritia that Master Kyp Durron is missing, but she doesn't seem to know much about it. (Thread 1.1.1: The Search for Kyp
  • Rin expresses his displeasure at the opulence on displays, but Kritia explains that she's not entirely comfortable with it either, but it is part of the job and necessary for some functions of the position. Rin doesn't believe her.
  • Lem lets Kritia know that Cidcreper is working for the Onyx Tigers and the ISO is compromised (Thread 1.3.1: The Reluctant Smuggler. This visibly upsets her, and she excuses herself from the table.
  • With Kritia away for the moment, Lem sneaks around the mansion, but unfortunately isn't able to find anything interesting. On his way back, he runs into Kritia who is also headed back to dinner. She explains that she has had suspicions of Cidcreper already, but their confirmation meants that she needed to move quickly and have her private security lock him out of all Incom Corporation systems and arrest him. When they return to dinner and let the others know about this, Rin asks that Cidcreper's removal be kept quiet to not impact the investigation into Kyp's disappearance.
  • Rin tells Kritia about the Onyx Tiger's ships in orbit and their difficulties trying to leave the planet. Lem clues her into their plan to disguise the Mynock's Wing transponder signal and send a dummy ship with the Mynock's Wing's signal. She is happy to help and tells them that her engineers on Prime Coromon will be happy to help as soon as they are ready.
  • The group has a philosophical discussion about crime and its place in society with Kritia, as she explains her plans to try to formalize relations with the Onyx Tigers in order to minimize their most negative aspects and accept some small measure of controllable theft and corruption.
  After dinner, the group decides to stick around for a few drinks with Kritia to see what else they can find out. At one point, Lyshea excuses herself and is gone for a short period. During the conversation, Kritia quietly requests their help in getting rid of Vass in order for her to have any hope at developing a meaningful relationship with the Onyx Tigers. Rin proposes a plan to have Vass come to the Mynock's Wing under the premise of discussing an official relationship with Incom, then capture him so that Kritia can form a relationship with his replacement. Kritia excuses herself as she does not wish to know the details of their plan in order to keep her distance from it. After they discuss further and solidify their plans, Kritia returns and they all say their pleasant goodbyes as they head back to the Mynock's Wing.   As Lem leaves, he quietly tells Kritia about the Yuuzhan Vong presence on Fresia (Thread 1.3.4: Unexpected Lifeform. To his complete shock, she tells Lem that she already knows and has been working with Master Luke Skywalker and Chief of State Leia Organa Solo to prepare.   Once back on the ship, Lyshea reveals that she found Kritia's office and downloaded data from herpersonal workstation. She also found an image of a woman in revealing clothing that had the words "Forever Yours, Kylett" on it. From their run-in with the The Alderaan Raiders on the Carida Memorial Station, they remember that Kylett Dandean is their leader (Thread 1.2.1: Alderaan Raiders).   Rin comms Vass Manduc and proposes the meeting. Vass reluctantly accepts - as long as Lyshea is there. They agree, knowing that he will likely set a trap of some sort, and prepare to meet on ViGureni. Lyshea arranges to have to ship's transponder switched on Prime Coromon, which they agree they need to do before meeting Vass in case they have to make a quick getaway. In order to speed things up, Rin drops off Tomla, Rin, and Lyshea at ViGureni to prepare for the meeting while he flies to Prime Coromon to do the transponder switch.   After arriving at Prime Coromon and meeting the engineers who begin performing the transponder switch with the dummy ship, Rin notices a couple of people that look out of place loading some cargo onto a speeder. As he gets closer, he recognizes both of them: Rosk 5 and Mo Ribb from his old smuggling days (Thread 1.3.2: Rosk 5). Rosk 5 also recognizes him and calls out his name, wide eyed and reaching for his blaster...

Character(s) interacted with

The Threat from Within
Rin Tos
Lem "Lemmy" Kolo
Tomla Niron
Report Date
16 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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