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Thread 1.3.2: Rosk 5


Rosk 5 is a Khommite from an abandoned line of military clones.  

Yavin IV

During the first Jedi trial of Rin Tos at The Dark Temple, Rosk 5 manifested as a dark side force spectre and briefly battled with Rin, causing him to lose control of his emotions and be tempted by the dark side.  

Carida Memorial Station



Mistaken Identity
In hangar bay 12 of The Dock in Northwest Coromons, where Rin Tos set up cameras to find out who the mysterious "KD" was who offered passage and a life off-world to anyone who donated a Z-95 headhunter (see Thread 1.3.3: The Headhunter Hunt), Rin was shocked to see a Khommite step out of the ship that landed in the bay. His reaction caused him to tell his Jedi colleagues about his past with Rosk 5. Later, when Lem "Lemmy" Kolo met with the Khommite, it turns out that he was actually Jedi Knight Dorsk 82, not Rosk 5 after all (Thread 1.4.3: Investigating Dorsk 82).   Unexpected Reunion
A few days later, while on Prime Coromon Rin sees Rosk 5 and Mo Ribb loading cargo onto a speeder. Rosk 5 notices him and calls him out. The two smugglers attempt to take Rin with them, but Rin makes a run for it and jumps on board The Mynock's Wing, but not before taking a disruptor shot to the back. When Rosk 5 and Ro Mibb board the ship, Rin runs again, leaving the ship in their hands. Luckily, S19-A1 had (unbeknownst to anyone) installed an anti-intruder electric shock system on the ship, which he activates to incapacitate the two intruders. The Coromon ISO investigate and take the two into custody as it seems they are known The Onyx Tigers lieutenants.   Enemy Promotion
After the incident on Prime Coromon, The Initiates receive a call from Kritia Haccor, CEO of Incom Corporation. She thanks Rin for helping to capture the two The Onyx Tigers, especially since this gives her a unique opportunity to convince one of them to replace Vass Manduc as the head of the Tigers, advancing her plan to formalize relations with the criminal enterprise (Thread 1.3.1: The Reluctant Smuggler). Rin protests, but Kritia assures him that she knows what she's doing.  


Background on Rosk Line
While waiting for his friends to arrive, Rin asks Rosk 1 about Rosk 5. As soon as the name is mentioned, Rosk 1 raises an eyebrow and asks, "How do you know him?" When Rin explains his history with Rosk 5, Rosk 1 explains the sad history of the Rosk line of clones. He recounts the recent history of fear among Khommites in the wake of the devastation of their planet and ensuing confusion and lack of leadership. The Rosk clone line was an attempt to make the remaining population feel more safe and secure, by designing their first line of clones with combat abilities, or what people who had never seen combat thought that combat abilities were. A total of five Rosk clones were created, and in less than a year the experiment was disbanded. While the other stayed on a planet that didn't want them, Rosk 5 left, and didn't take his genetic stabilizer medication with him so it's not surprising to Rosk 1 that he is so unstable and violent.   The Dorsk 82 Contract
In a meeting with prominent Khommite politician, Sestra 638 (Thread 1.4.4: Culture War), The Initiates find out that she can contracted some people from Fresia to take out The First Born and locate Dorsk 82. Just as the padawans are leaving the system to head to Selvaris (Thread 1.1.1: The Search for Kyp), Rin senses Rosk 5 through the Force. He has just entered the system, and must be the person Sestra 638 contracted. He does not share this with the others, as there is no time to head back now.   Surprise Attack
While the padawans are on Selvaris, Rosk 5 and Ro Mibb, contracted by Sestra 638, come to Khomm and launch a surprise attack on The First Born. They take Rosk 1 and Lyshea captive in an abandoned factory and kill all of the other First Born. As Rosk 5 is torturing Lyshea, the group on Selvaris are attempting to use the Star Temple for the first time (Thread 1.1.1: The Search for Kyp), and Vass Manduc tells them to locate Lyshea. When they see what is happening, the Initiates step through the portal and surprise Rosk 5 and Ro Mibb. Unfortunately, the unbalanced clone detonates explosives that had previously been set around the factory and escapes through the roof, leaving everyone else to their doom. Kyp, Dorsk 82, and Dal use the Star Temple to pull all of them to safety back on Selvaris.   Stolen Data
Once Rosk 1 recovers from his wounds, he tells everyone on Selvaris that Rosk 5 stole all of The First Born's genetic material and research into force sensitive clones. It seems clear that he plans to create his own army of force-wielding clones. Kyp and the others see this is a perfect opportunity to put their plan to save the galaxy into action and stop Rosk 5 before he can start his evil plan.   Explosive End
Rin and Lem go through an Infinity Gate to confront Rosk 5 and stop him from using the stolen genetic material and research. They arrive in the residence of Sestra 638 who immobilizes them with a containment field. Dal Konur arrives through another portal to rescue them, but Rosk 5 loses his mind when he sees Rin about to escape from his grasp again. The insane clone rushes toward his nemesis and detonates explosives that he had strapped to his chest, killing himself. Rin loses both of his hands in the explosion, but survives. Just before the explosion, Rin sees Rosk 5 send some signal from a communicator on his belt.
Plot type
Character Quest

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