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Thread 1.1.1: The Search for Kyp

Jedi Master Kyp Durron has recently left the Jedi Order, and Master Luke Skywalker is concerned. He has asked Master Dal Konur to take his three padawans to check on Kyp and make sure that his departure does not lead him down a dark path.

Yavin IV

Master Skywalker holds a meeting with everyone present at the Jedi Praxeum to notify them of Kyp Durron's recent departure and to dispel rumors. Shortly after the meeting, he meets with Master Dal Konur and his three padawans to ask that they check on Kyp. After asking around and completing their first Jedi test, the padawans' only lead on where Kyp went is something in his past involving the Ruins of Carida, so that's where they go.

Carida Memorial Station

On Level 1 of Carida Memorial Station, the padawans discover a small console in an alcove that security holos show Kyp using. Rin uses his skills to gain access to the terminal, and after narrowly avoiding an overload, the wall slides back, revealing a tiny room with a bed and computer terminal. Once they gain access, The Initiates find correspondence between Kyp and a representative of Incom Corporation on Fresia, Cidcreper. They are discussing the acquisition of a number of Z-95 headhunters. The communications took place from this terminal 2 days prior.


Konur fails to meet with Incom
Master Konur tries to meet with Incom Corporation at their headquarters on Lesser Coromon to ask about the correspondence with Kyp, but is stonewalled. Returning to the The Mynock's Wing, Master Konur tries to contact Luke Skywalker at the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV, but he is unable to reach him or anyone else on the planet. He asks his padawans to continue investigating Kyp's business on Fresia to see if they can locate him and travels to Yavin IV to investigate.   A Familiar Face
A few days later, after the Headhunter Hunt (Thread 1.3.3: The Headhunter Hunt), the Initiates see Cidcreper at the award ceremony for the Hunt. They also recognize him as the Twi'lek that they saw meeting with Vass Manduc at The Resort in Northwest Coromons a couple days prior (Thread 1.3.1: The Reluctant Smuggler)   KD Revealed
After the Headhunter Hunt (Thread 1.3.3: The Headhunter Hunt) on Fresia is over and the winners have boarded Dorsk 82's ship and departed, Master Dal Konur calls the The Mynock's Wing. He explains that there was a strange communications outage at the Jedi Praxeum and that Master Luke Skywalker suspects some kind of foul play. They aren't sure who yet, but they are searching the grounds and trying to determine what is happening. Luke isn't sure how safe the Academy is right now and is sending all of the padawans off-planet. Master Konur is overseeing that initiative and since the three of them are already off-planet, there's no reason to return. He suggests they continue on to Khomm to see what Dorsk 82 has been up to and if he's somehow connected with Kyp (Thread 1.4.3: Investigating Dorsk 82).   Call from Incom CEO
The day after the Headhunter Hunt, The Initiates receive a comm from the personal droid assistant of Kritia Haccor, CEO of Incom Corporation. She wanted to send her apologies for not being able to meet with Master Dal Konur when he visited a few days ago, and feels especially awful since she also wasn't able to meet with Kyp Durron when he visited Fresia last week. She would like to make it up to them in order to maintain the wonderful relationship between Incom and the Jedi Order by inviting them all to dinner this evening at her estate on Coromon Aure.   At the dinner, they inform Kritia that Kyp has gone missing and they are looking for him. She says that she was unaware and doesn't really have any information that would be useful for them to help find him.  


Despite many inquiries and searches, no one seems to have any information on Kyp. The padawans have instead focused their efforts on tracking down Dorsk 82 who they hope can lead them to Kyp (Thread 1.4.3: Investigating Dorsk 82).


The party finally catches up to Kyp at his secret settlement on Selvaris, along with Dorsk 82. However, the victory is short-lived as Master Konur reveals that he has been secretly working with Kyp and Dorsk 82 this entire time, and now the three of them are asking the padawans to join them in their plan to rid the galaxy of all political power structures throughout the galaxy. They plan to do this through the use of a Star Temple in a mountain near their settlement of New Bendu.   After they are all attacked by a giant whuffa worm guarding the entrance to the Star Temple, they test out the infinity gate by meditating on Ismar Tun, one of the members of the nearby colony, and having Dorsk 82 step through and appear next to him before coming back through the portal. Then Kyp asks the padawans to tell them the name of anyone in the galaxy that they have met as the next test. Dal reveals that this moment was foreseen and it is actually Vass Manduc that gives them the name: Lyshea. After briefly meditating on her, they see that she is being tortured by Rosk 5 on Khomm and step through the portal to save her, exactly as Kyp, Dal, and Dorsk 82 had foreseen.
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