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Thread 1.3.3: The Headhunter Hunt


While on Fresia, the party learns about a local event, the Headhunter Hunt. When they later learn the The Onyx Tigers are planning something nefarious during the Hunt, they decide to go into the jungle and investigate.

Yavin IV


Carida Memorial Station



The Visitor Center
As soon as the party docks there ship at The Dock in the Northwest Coromons and leaves the hangar bay, they see a large tourist center. There are a lot of visitors to Fresia at the moment due to tomorrow being one of the major festivals in Coromon, the annualHeadhunter Hunt. Only Incom Corporation employees are allowed to participate, but it's heavily broadcast throughout the city. In the festival, Incom staff who choose to participate are transported to ViGureni with basic survival gear and a primitive weapon of their choice. In the heavy jungle, they have 24 hours to survive and kill as many Coromon Headhunters as they can. For each animal killed, they receive a brand new Z-95 Headhunter ship (or the equivalent value of 60,000 credits).   Mysterious Additional Prize
While walking around Northwest Coromons, the party overhears some Incom Corporation employees talking about more people signing up for this year's hunt than ever before due to a secondary prize being offered by a mysterious person only known as "KD". Apparently, anyone who donates a Z-95 Headhunter will be offered transportation off-world and a new life for them and their family on a new planet. Anyone interested in this exchange is supposed to meet at hangar bay 12 in The Dock the day after the hunt. Rin Tos decides to purchase some holocams and set them up inside hangar bay 12 to see who "KD" is when s/he arrives.   Tiger Interference
After saving Lyshea (Thread 1.3.1: The Reluctant Smuggler), she tells The Initiates that Vass Manduc was planning something related to the Headhunter Hunt and talked to the Twi'lek about it, but that's all she knows. Hus Jot adds that he has heard that the Hunt is going to be extra dangerous this year thanks to the The Onyx Tigers, and that there would be a lot more casualties. The Jedi reach out to Jacob Jason, but he explains that the event always has a lot of causalities, so this isn't a high priority for them. However, they are welcome to be present during the hunt as long as they don't interfere with outcome.   The Hunt
A few hours after the hunt begins, the Jedi fly The Mynock's Wing to ViGureni and land on a small beach out of the way of the holo cameras filming the hunt from the main beach. After a brief scare with an exotic plant, the party heads into the jungle. They come across a couple of participants in an abandoned building defending themselves from a group of Coromon Headhunters. After defeating the beasts and helping the participants to hole up in the building until the hunt is over, they set off into the jungle again. After a while, they find the Hunt veteran, Sissk, fighting what looks like a losing battle against many headhunters. However, when they move in to help, they also find that there are The Onyx Tigers snipers hidden in the ruins of a building. They are barely able to defeat the animals and snipers, but are able to tie one of the Tigers up and carry him through the jungle back to the Mynock's Wing. When they arrive, they find that Salty has fended off an attack by a group of Onyx Tigers on speeder bikes who attacked the ship. They put their captive in storage, but aren't able to get much out of him.   End of the Hunt
The party heads back to The Dock from ViGureni the evening of the hunt and then heads to the hospital to get patched up. The next morning, the party watches the awards ceremony. About 30 people survived with most having a single kill, but Sissk broke the previous record with 3 kills. More importantly, they notice that the Incom Corporation Vice President of Sales, Cidcreper, who gave a speech at the beginning of the ceremony, is the same Twi'lek that they saw at The Resort talking to Vass Manduc (Thread 1.3.1: The Reluctant Smuggler) and the person that Kyp Durron was communicating with about purchasing Z-95 Headhunters. Incom CEO, Kritia Haccor, also gives a speech and awards Sissk with special recognition for his achievement.   KD Revealed?
Later that day, in hangar bay 12 of The Dock in Northwest Coromons, Rin Tos sees that the cameras he had set up have activated and a ship is landing. To his shock and surprise, a Khommite steps out of the ship and talks to the crowd gathered at the door of the bay before getting back in his ship and flying away. Rin tells his Jedi comrades about his past with Rosk 5 (Thread 1.3.2: Rosk 5). Lem finds one of the people that was in the group and finds out that they are supposed to meet again tonight at the same hangar bay in order to hand over their Z-95 ship registrations in exchange for passage off world and to a life on a new planet. Lem hides out in hangar bay 12, waiting for the ship to return for the exchange while Rin purchases as tracking device for Lem to attach to the ship when it does.   Dorsk 82
When the ship returns, the Khommite steps out again and immediately senses Lem in the hangar bay. He uses the force to move a crate and reveal him and introduces himself to Lem as Dorsk 82, a Jedi Knight who has been on a mission to Khomm for the past 2 years. He can't tell Lem anything about his mission and he doesn't seem to know anything about Kyp (Thread 1.4.3: Investigating Dorsk 82). Lem leaves and about 50 Fresians turn over their Z-95's and board Dorsk 82's ship, and they depart a short while later. Lem explains this to Rin, who is relieved to find that it was not actually Rosk 5.   Cidcreper Exposed
At a dinner party with Kritia Haccor, The Initiates let her know about Cidcreper's involvement with the The Onyx Tigers. She excuses herself from the meal and makes arrangements to have him taken into custody.
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