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Thread 1.4.3: Investigating Dorsk 82


A Jedi Knight named Dorsk 82 was seemingly the mysterious "KD" who offered a prize of a life off-world for anyone who donated a Z-95 Headhunter (Thread 1.3.3: The Headhunter Hunt). He should have been on his home world of Khomm.

Yavin IV

Dorsk 82 studied for years at the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV. A little less than a year ago, he requested to return to his home world of Khomm to act an envoy for the Jedi Order and aid in the reconstruction, as well as study the emergence of force sensitivity in clones like himself.

Carida Memorial Station



First Meeting After the Headhunter Hunt, Dorsk 82 met with a group of people at docking bay 12 of The Dock in Northwest Coromons. Later that day he returned and took everyone who signed a transfer of registration form for their Z-95 on board his cruiser, as well as met Lem "Lemmy" Kolo who was hiding in the docking bay. After a brief introduction, Dorsk 82 explained that he wasn't able to share the details of his mission with a padawan, and that he wasn't aware that Kyp had left the academy or where he might be. A short while later, he departed the planet with about 50 Fresians.   Konur's Suggestion
After explaining to Master Dal Konur that they had met Dorsk 82, he provides some background on the Khommite Jedi and suggests that if the padawans don't have any better leads on Kyp Durron that they head to Khomm next to see what Dorsk 82 has been up to, since it seems that he must be linked to Kyp in some way.


Meeting with Brell 142
Upon arriving to Khomm 1, The Initiates head directly to the Khomm Central Population Planning headquarters in the government district. There they meet with Brell 142, Second Adjoinant of the KCPP. He takes the Jedi to a meeting room and uses a portable communication jammer to allow them to speak openly. He had assumed that the Jedi had come to tell him that they had captured Dorsk 82, but the group's collective confusion results in him explaining that they recently discovered that Dorsk 82 had been secretly working with a local terrorist organization on Khomm, The First Born (Thread 1.4.4: Culture War). Brell 142 shows them a holo recording of Dorsk 82 breaking into a KCPP facility a few days ago and explains that he's been trying to get in touch with someone at the Jedi Order on Yavin IV since they found this out, but they haven't been able to reach anyone. Just then, klaxons sound throughout the building and lights start flashing. It seems that there is a First Born raid on this facility in progress.   Raid in Progress
The Initiates decide that this is a local political matter and decide not to get involved. Once the raid ends, Rin offers his assistance to the tech in the KCPP Secure Data Centre to see what the First Born were after. He finds that files related to where the genetic codes of certain lines of bureaucratic clones are stored were all that were accessed.   Meeting with Rosk 1
The Initiates meet with Rosk 1 at the The First Born base to discuss Dorsk 82's involvement with the First Born. Rosk 1 starts by mocking the Jedi: "So, it seems that the Jedi have finally found out that their Order is not quite as cohesive as they thought. I have to admit, you definitely figured things out quicker than Dorsk 82 expected. Were you already aware of Dorsk 82's activities, and that's how you knew to come here after your comms were knocked out?" The party expresses confusion, and Rosk 1 raises his eyebrows, realizing that they don't actually know much about what Dorsk 82 has been up to. He explains that it's not his place to meddle in the affairs of Jedi and suggests that they ask Dorsk 82 if they want to know more. He offers to tell them where they can find him, but only if they all consent to having their memories of Jedi training downloaded into their system. It won't hurt or damage them in any way, but it will help them to flash-train any future clones that happen to be force sensitive. He is concerned that without proper training and discipline, these clones could become dangers to themselves and others.   Before the group can decide, an entire squad of a dozen combat droids blasts into the base, firing at everything in sight. The Initiates, working together with the First Born, are able to destroy the machines without any serious causalities among them. In fact, one of the First Born was able to take out several of the droids himself, and earned Rin's admiration, as well as the impressive blaster rifle that he took from Rosk 5 during their encounter on Fresia.   Due to the commotion of the battle, Rosk 1 insists that the three Jedi leave at once before they are implicated in the attack in any way, which would cause great harm to the relations between Khomm and The New Republic. The party flees back toward the Mynock's Wing, promising to get in touch again soon to complete their unfinished business.   Stolen Data
Once Master Dal Konur arrives on Khomm and meets with the padawans, Rin remembers that he downloaded a lot of data from The First Born during the attack by the droids. He reviews it with the others and finds that Dorsk 82 was focused on stealing communications jamming technology from the Khomm Central Population Planning. This seems to heavily implicate him in the comms outage on Yavin IV. Master Konur explains that their primary objective now seems to be to find Dorsk 82 and see how he's mixed up in all of this.   Memory Download
In order to get more information from Rosk 1 about Dorsk 82's whereabouts, Lem agrees to undergo the memory download. The First Born are able to successfully download Lem's Jedi training memories, and in return, Rosk 1 tells them what he knows. Dorsk 82 has been working with another Jedi, codename "K", on his work developing an orbital communications jammer. They have a base of operations that isn't too far from Khomm, and that it is a largely uninhabited planet, but he doesn't know where.    In Bed with a Politician
Due to a lead from Rosk 1 (Thread 1.4.4: Culture War), The Initiates meet with a prominent politician named Sestra 638 who doesn't have much information on Dorsk 82, but promises to share what she finds out if they agree to bring Dorsk 82 to her on Khomm once they find him so that she can use his captures to her political advantage. The padawans reluctantly agree.   Dorsk 82 Found
Without any new information, Master Konur suggests that the four of them meditate on Dorsk 82 to see if they can locate him through the Force. They see a vision of Dorsk 82 on a planet with a massive mountain behind him and lots of trees in front. Using this and the information provided by Rosk 1, they are able to narrow down the possible planets. Not long after, Master Konur says that he and S19-A1 have identified the most likely planet: Selvaris. After finishing their business on Khomm, they head there to find Dorsk 82.   


As soon as they land on Selvaris, they find Kyp Durron and Dorsk 82 waiting for them near the landing pad of a newly established settlement, New Bendu. Master Konur reveals that he has actually been working with Kyp and Dorsk 82 secretly this entire time, and they want the padawans to join them in their plans to rid the galaxy of all political power (Thread 1.1.1: The Search for Kyp)

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