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Thread 1.5.1: The Star Temple


Upon finding Kyp Durron on Selvaris (Thread 1.1.1: The Search for Kyp), The Initiaties find out that he has been working with Dorsk 82 and Dal Konur to manipulate their entire journey thus far to make them more open to joining them in their quest to rid the galaxy of all power structures through the use of a Star Temple.  


The Guardian
After introducing their plan to the padawans, the six of them head to the sealed cave entrance to the mountain where the Star Temple is located. Before they can move the giant boulder that blocks the entrance, a giant whuffa worm emerges and attacks. They are able to defeat the worm, a guardian of the temple put there by those who constructed it tens of thousands of years ago.   First Test
The six Jedi enter the mountain with Vass Manduc in tow and find the Star Temple. To test it out, the six Jedi meditate on a person they all know that is in the nearby colony of New Bendu, Ismar Tun. Once they all see an image in the Force of the Duro, the Infinity Gate opens into Ismar's residence. Dorsk 82 steps through while the others continue meditating to keep the portal open. Dorsk 82 arrives safely on the other side of the portal to the shock of Ismar. He then steps back through and the Infinity Gate closes. Dorsk 82 reports that Ismar was unable to see the portal.   First Mission
With the first test successful, Kyp then suggests that they try something a little further out. It seems that the three Jedi have foreseen this possible future and know that Vass will actually be the one to suggest their next person: Lyshea. They all focus once again and see the Zeltron tied up and being tortured by Rosk 5 in a factory on Khomm (Thread 1.3.2: Rosk 5). Tomla, Rin, and Lem all agree to go through the portal while Kyp, Dorsk 82, and Dal stay on the other side so that they can reopen the portal after they rescue their friend. In the ensuring battle, Rosk 5 escapes, but not before blowing up the factory. They are able to rescue Lyshea and Rosk 1 as the three Jedi on the other side pull them back to Selvaris. Rosk 1 and Lyshea are treated for their injuries and their first mission using the Star Temple is considered successful.   Tragedy Strikes
After Rosk 1 reports that Rosk 5 killed all of The First Born and stole their research into force-senstive cloning and their genetic material (Thread 1.4.3: Investigating Dorsk 82), the group sees this as the perfect opportunity to put their plan into action by stopping Rosk 5 from creating a force-sensitive clone army. Rin also sees it as an opportunity to confront his long-time rival and get some closure to that chapter of his life (Thread 1.3.2: Rosk 5). Lem goes with his friend to protect him while Tomla stays with the comatose Lyshea. Lem and Rin go through an Infinity Gate opened by Dal, Dorsk 82, and Kyp into the apartment of Sestra 638 where Rosk 5 is located. The two are incapacitated by a containment field, but Dal Konur arrives through another portal to rescue them. Rosk 5 loses his mind when he sees Rin about to escape from his grasp again and rushes toward his nemesis, detonating explosives that he had strapped to his chest, killing himself. Rin loses both of his hands in the explosion, but survives. Dal carries Rin back through a portal with Lem close behind.  


Reporting to HQ
After having her telepathic abilities blocked while on Selvaris, Tomla is finally able to reach Luke Skywalker through the Force, making him aware of the Star Temple on Selvaris and the involvement of Kyp Durron, Dorsk 82, and Dal Konur. Luke immediately leaves Yavin IV, but they aren't able to determine where he is going.
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