

The Silvana Orbital Station is run by a tolerant AI that is carrying out its function to contain a radiation leak that killed all but a few of the original colonists. The Silvans who live there now conduct constant secret research into ways of stopping or even simply redirecting their ultimately benevolent but nevertheless out-of-control AI before it kills them with its good intentions.

Industry & Trade

Silvans are known to be some of the best AI researchers and techs in the Forge. They have to be, as they're constantly researching new ways to stop their benevolent but out-of-control AI from accidentally killing them all. They consult with anyone with a tricky AI problem or interested in fixing a delinquent bot from across the sector, and not infrequently beyond. They don't make robots in Silvana beyond some proof-of-concept prototypes, but the manufacturing concerns that do make the 'bots certainly come here to bid against each other for rights to the newest designs


The core of the orbital was built soon after the Exodus and in the interests of backward compatibility a lot of tech still uses the same standards. The AI's rudimentary sense of aesthetics mean the architecture tends towards theĀ  Brutalist, with subdued colors and barracks-style housing the norm. A peculiarity of the air filtrations systems means there is a strong smell of cordite everywhere you go, and closer to the Erdos Corps district the odor of sulfur is laid on top of it.
Orbital, Station
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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