Roesone History

The lands that would eventually be known as Roesone have been inhabited for thousands of years. Before the Five Tribes and the Basarji came to Cerilia, all of Kingdom of Avonlae was part of the great Aelvinnwode. Unknown bands of barbaric humans may have lived along these shores even before the Rending, but very little is known of these people—they left only a few crude campsites and odd carvings on standing stones in the wilderness.
In these ancient times, the Sidhelien (elven peoples) held these lands. Their courts and towers dotted the pristine forestland, from the sea to sea. In this region, the elven realms were concentrated in the heart of what is now called the Erebannien. Presumably there were wars and great deeds that took place thousands of years before any of the six tribes set foot in this land.

  The northern regions of modern Roesone were also wooded in ancient times, but these forests were of a darker nature than the golden glades of the elvenwood. These lands were part of the Spiderfell, ruled by a fierce Goblins lord. The goblins were a greater people then, with knowledge and sorcery they've lost in the ages that have passed since, and this goblinlord was one of the most powerful of his kind. His name was Tal-Qazar, the Spiderlord.

  When the humans migrated into Cerilia, the elves of the Erebannien were put to flight by the ancestors of the Avonlaeans. The clansmen warriors of Deretha, the Fifth House of the Andu, cleared and settled much of the Southern Coast.

  From time to time, the goblins of the Spiderlord and the Deretha settlers clashed in fierce battles fought under the eaves of the Spiderfell. But The Rending was approaching, and the day came that the Deretha were summoned by Roele, Prince of the First House, to stand against the armies of The Anathemae. The Spiderlord was summoned by his dark master as well. Almost all of Tal Qazar's goblinhost perished at The Rending, while Diem, the prince of the Deretha, survived and led his warriors home. He became the fifth of the Twelve Archdukes, sworn to serve the Emperor but these forests round here a history Roele, and the family Diem ruled the lands.

  Roesone was thinly settled for most of this time, but after Michael Roele's death Diemed came under repeated attack from Ghoere and Aerenwae. In a series of wars lasting from about 1213 to 1387 Modern Age, northeastern Diemed—the land that would become Roesone—was depopulated and laid to ruin. The final blow occurred in 1416 MA, when a goblinhost emerged from the Spiderfell and pillaged their way all the way to the Straits of Aerele.

  Northeastern Diemed's desolation didn't last forever. By the year 1520 MA, these lands were home to scattered villages, freeholds, and bands of outlaws. Diemed no longer had the strength to hold the lands, although they were still Dieman in name. A few self-titled counts, barons, and squires could be found here and there, but most were nothing more than bandit captains who commanded a few dozen thugs. One of these, a scoundrel and cutthroat named Roesone, controlled a portion of the province Caercas.

  His son, Daen Roesone, was born in the year 1554 MA. Daen Roesone's early life is not well documented, but we do know that he left Diemed in 1554 MA and soldiered across Avonlae as a mercenary for nearly 20 years. He returned to his home in 1560, leading a hardened company of mercenaries. None of the robber-lords of the area had any troops that could stand up to a disciplined army of seasoned veterans, and Roesone used his muscle to pacify the local lordlings of Caercas. Within a matter of months, the province was brought under his control. Roesone had originally intended to simply secure the lands held by his father, but as he did so he realized that the entire region was in dire need of one law and one ruler. Over the next four years, Daen Roesone's armies brought order to the land at the point of a sword.

  In 1574, Roesone petitioned Vandiel, Baron Diemed, for a title, seeking recognition as count of the lands he now ruled. It was a reasonable request that would have legitimized Roesone's rule, while giving Diemed a powerful (if independent) vassal and control over lands it had long since abandoned. However, the baron could not believe that a mercenary upstart was capable of holding conquered lands for any amount of time, and decided instead to appoint his cousin Uchaene as the Count of Caercas.

  When Uchaene showed up in Caercas with 500 troops and the intention of taking possession of the lands Roesone had cleared, the would-be count flew into a rage and called out his troops. Uchaene set about putting down what he called, "armed revolt against the lawful ruler of Diemed," but in a matter of days Daen Roesone annihilated Uchaene's forces, precipitating a full-scale war. At Diemed's request, the neighboring land of Aerenwae also attacked the mercenary lord.

  Roesone defeated Diemed's attacks with uncanny military skill and sheer determination, and had the war won by 1577 MA. He claimed the title of baron for himself, and raised the standard of the Black Hart over the lands he controlled. Aerenwe was forced to cede Bellam to Roesone in order to guarantee peace with The Black Baron, and their capitulation ended any hope of restoring Dieman rule to these lands. Diemed didn't acknowledge Roesone's claims until Vandiel Diemed died in 1605 MA.
  Roesone ruled until 1616 MA, when his son Ivil Roesone poisoned him and arranged for the brutal stabbing of his older brother Raemel Roesone. When Ivil's part in the deaths was discovered, two of the baron's old lieutenants—Igor Borokiev and Shielin Fhaere—murdered him in turn and declared themselves Roesone's heirs. Within a few months they had a falling out, and their forces tore Roesone apart in a vicious civil war.
  Finally, Daen Roesone's only surviving son, Morghan Roesone, defeated the weakened lieutenants and seized the throne. There is some evidence that Morghan actually killed the Black Baron and Raemel and framed Ivil, but nothing has ever been proved. Morghan proved to be an efficient if some what violent monarch, and held his throne from 1619 MA to 1633 MA. His son Teried Roesone ruled from 1633 to early this very year (1651)