The Autumn Knights

  Trampling the plains are the Autumn Knights, an ancient order whose inception is shrouded in mystery. Easily the largest of Knightly orders, they hold their lands with an iron fist, ensuring any who pass through pay homage to Ivelios, the great stary-eyed wolf. Their motivations have been a further mystery, as to most in the Continent, they are brash, bipolar and inconsistent. A caravan heading for the Congregation might hear the thunderous volley of hooves, where they are just as likely to be raided as they are to find themselves under an elite escort of Ivelios's finest in return for a share of the trader's stocks. Their only consistent dealing is that with the Warborn to their west, for every meeting with them has started and ended in bloodshed over what the Knights perceive as heretical belief.   Living amongst the Knights is one of constant labor, whether it be for a peasant living on a quiet farm or an up and coming squire, filled with radical ambitions. Those many who attempt blessed knighthood must endure a brutal training regime consisting of endless trials, as for any who wish to fight under the banner of Ivelios must be held to the highest standard. Those who try to live a life free of war are harassed under the guise of tithes. While the Knights can hunt for their own meat, forge their own blades, and keep their wolves tamed, they do not tend to fields to plant crops nor spend time in mines collecting coal and iron. So much of the Knights poor reputation comes from their constant demand for resources to fuel their war machine, and so farmers have their excess crop stolen without compensation, or an overseer may have to surrender an entire day's work of coal and iron lest the Knights cut them off from trading their supplies. While this frustrates foreigners and locals alike, the lands contested by the Autumn Knights have long been free of the threat of bandits, orcs and other monsters for years. It's well noted that of the entire civilized world, the Autumn Knights field the greatest military of all, specializing in heavy cavalry and infantry wearing some of the finest and warmest medium and heavy armors.


After their inception, the Autumn Knights is a warriors culture. The soldiery is considered the most important and holy branch. Soldiers are indoctrinated into fighting for Ivelios early.


The Autumn Knights are almost entirely a military force, lording over farms and cottages of the north to fuel their crusading.


Radical belief in Ivelios. While other gods are respected, as usual, Ivelios is considered the greatest and most chief of them.

Unto Death, Onto the Starlight Hunt

Founding Date
1729 A.S.
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
The Knights, Autumn Wolves
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Autumn Knight, Leaf Cap, Wolf Fondler
Leader Title
Silver and Gold
Major Exports
Horses, Lumber, Steel, Silver
Major Imports
Food, Medicine, Iron