Warborn of Winterwake

  The exact date is unknown, as is so much from that time, but near the end of the Long September ships docked at the northern top of Stormlight before being stripped down for lumber. Whoever came was clearly intending to stay. When the bloodbath of the cataclysm ended, scouts were sent north to determine what transpired, and their report forever became the vision of who the Warborn of Winterwake are: They told of thousands of men and women standing around dozens of massive bonfires that were lined along the coast. Curiously, the Warborn were burning some of their own ships, wasting vital lumber in the harsh colds of the Hinterlands. To the scouts horror, children were being placed within the bonfires before a Warborn would extend a limb into the fire, letting it burn while rarely letting out a scream. The reputation of the Warborn only rapidly deteriorated, as every following interaction with them has ended in violence. For this reason, as most of the city-states were becoming countries, they ignored the cold tundras of the north, seeing only death and evil guarding a plane of nothingness.


Formerly Tribal. Practices slavery. First born children are always sacrificed to Nemulos by being burned alive.


Almost all Warborn have some training or experience, whether it be for survival and hunting or learned from their long journey. While they have no formal military, they certainly produce specialized warriors bred for battle in what they see are holy rituals.


The Warborn believe in Nemulos, The Burned Man. They are incredibly defensive about their religion, and many border skirmishes have been instigated over religious fervor.

Agriculture & Industry

Rare Furs, Lumber, Obsidian, Goat

All things aflame for the Burned Man

Founding Date
6 B.S.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
The Warborn, The Monsters from Winterwake
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members