Brightfyre Confederation

The Brightfyre Confederation is the central heart of Stormlight. Where the Highblood Consular specialize in the arcane, and the Autumn Knights boast the size of their elite army, the Confederation became the central power to all others through the greatest weapon of all: agriculture. To those outside of the Confederation, they seem a haughty, fat people, while ignoring the amount of labor they needed to contest such farmlands.   Without a reliable resource of good steel and tools, the Confederation found a reliance on simpler wooden weapons like spears, bows, and reinforced mauls. Confederation mines have yielded little in the way of iron. It is for this reason many weapons, such as swords, are surprisingly hard to come by in a blacksmiths shop. The reliance on lumber has spurned tensions with the Wood Elves in the Wytch Path Woods, however, and several skirmishes have broken out throughout the generations.


The Confederation is lead by an elected High King, who deals with matters of foreign affairs - especially in wartime. This High King leads independently on his throne in Brighthallow. The cities and towns that make up the Confederation are ruled over by the Grand Princes and Princesses, although they spend most of their time dealing with internal political affairs such as legislation. Their children, the Princes and Princesses, will be assigned with overseeing their domains of castles, cities, towns, and hamlets. Individual lesser lords may then be given the task of governing these domains and reporting up the vine. Politics in the Confederation are notoriously slow, as the Grand Princes and Princesses are very careful with the powers given unto them and assigned to their elected High King.


As every city and village is technically independent, people of the Confederation have come to be self-reliant, selling their crops to the collective government in return for other goods, such as weapons and armor. Towns and cities are left to deal with their own threats, while the High King and greater Lord's are left to deal with invaders.


The Confederation attempted to hold to the military foundation of old, but without a reliable resource of good steel and tools, they found a reliance on simpler wooden weapons like spears, bows, and reinforced mauls. Only the finest warriors are allowed the touch of fine or sacred steel, and they often use it with deadly precision. Because most of the Confederation is open farmland, they have begun to house some of the finest light cavalry.


The Confederation, as reliant on others as they are upon them, attempts to appease all nations by favoring no God above any other, and attempts to at least keep shrines if no Temples can be founded. However, they do not keep shrines to Nemulos, fearing open war with the Autumn Knights to even legitimize their most hated foe.
Founding Date
341 A.S.
Political, Confederation
Alternative Names
The Confederation, The Brightfyres
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Confederate, Brightfyre
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Copper and Silver
Major Exports
Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Chicken, Cows, Pigs, Lumber
Major Imports
Silk, Wine, Glass, Steel, Gold