Duleveli Merchants Congregation

Formed from strong, independent families seeking additional security on the trapped coastlines of the Old Empire, the Congregation is now an innovative machine, greedily hoarding the greatest tinkerers and warsmiths to forge engines that rival the near unlimited potential of magic. Here, the families created the first firearm, and realized they had tapped into a secret that would ensure their succession for years to come.   The primary exports from the Congregation are heavily regulated firearms and tin, and their relations have been strenuous with the Autumn Knights at their border. Across the Continent, this is the one likely place where an ambitious gunslinger might find a tool for their trade, if not a powerful upgrade for their current one.


Due to the nature of the family's power, the Congregation fluidly took up a caste system without quite realizing it. The leaders of the families made up the political agents while the coveted engineers and tinkerers made up the invaluable mercantile class. The wealthy Congregation wasn't without envious admirers, however, and many desperados made the journey to the north east under promises of gilded mansions and flying warmachines. The illusion faded when these workers soon found themselves under similar conditions to those they left, as the machines of the Congregation always demanded free agents to shovel coal for their fires. For this purpose, there is little social mobility. Those born in the families enjoy their lives of privilege while the endless toiling of inventors is rewarded with riches that would have been impossible if not for the suffering, laboring free agents.   The Duleveli Merchants Congregation is lead by a group of powerful families that lord over their demesne like barons: the Dahlias, the Auberdines, the Whitewillows, the Heyburns, and the Brooklaines. These families operate on a formal council to make political decisions, although these formal events are often held when the decisions have already been debated and chosen behind closed doors.   The families of the Congregation are only united against enemies outside of the Congregation. When none present themselves, the families gladly look the other way if someone were to inconvenience another family. For this reason, law must often be dispatched by the victimized party. The families have no shortage of agents willing to travel across Stormlight to do their bidding, and private citizens enjoy the availability of the local Guilds - if they have the coin.


Due to their small size and wars with their neighbors, the Trading Coalition has become a highly efficient beast that is run on an almost caste-like system. There is little class mobilization, and most major political decisions are made by the ruling families' patriarch or matriarch.

Technological Level

The Merchants Congregation prides itself on superior, overwhelming firepower to overcome its problems - both internally and externally. Having been founded on open plains entrapped by tight mountains, it has given them the autonomy to quietly work to counteract the restrictions of magic through unregulated science and invention. The Duleveli Merchants Congregation is proud to have discovered the secret of gunpowder, as well as mechanical flight. As they hoarded more tinkerers and artisans, their technological access boomed into the living machine it is. Currently, the Congregation enjoys steam powered boats, zeppelins, explosive grenades, rifles, and electrical trams.


For their reliance on craftsmanship, the deity who receives the most worship is Ghrond.
Founding Date
1811 A.S.
Geopolitical, State
Alternative Names
The DMC, The Congregation
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
Silver and Gold
Major Exports
Gunpowder Weapons, Tin, and Gold
Major Imports
Livestock, Grain, Iron, and Wine