The Highblood Consular

To be a magic user in this dark land is to be an untrusted agent of destruction with unlimited potential. Considering the volatility of magic, more than enough examples have been made to the people of Stormlight that the powers of magic must be contained and regulated. To this purpose, The Highblood Consular was formed, and began tempering the fires that Sorcerers represented. Such success granted them the trust to start teaching anyone with the ability or coin magic, and while many dukes, kings and princes could hardly feel safe around their court wizard or bard, they were certainly glad to have their abilities at their disposal.   While outsiders see the agents of the Consular as dangerous, wise, disciplined masters of the arcane arts, it is impossible to fathom the true nature of such an organization without living within it. Most are brought to the Endless Spire at a young age, when their magical talents most likely start to reveal themselves. From there, the masters of the Consular ensure that the next generation of mages remember how their parents and loved ones abandoned them because they had more fear in their hearts than love. After, the growing mages often become bitter of the world around them while more dependant on the Consular to protect them from it. Magic becomes more than an interest unique to them - it becomes a weapon to protect themselves and often the Consular's interests. Those mages who seek brotherhood often find it in the form of cliques and lodges formed around race, magical talent, religion, or even preferred school of magic. It isn't uncommon for these tribal groups to devolve into violence, as long as it is a relatively quiet affair. While the Consular is protective of their secrets, they still gladly offer services to the wider world - magic wielder or not - to enhance individual persons or fulfill commissions of magical items.


Ran by Council of the Eight Tipped Star – An order of mages led by eight masters, each focused on one of the schools of magic.


A tower dedicated to educating all who are manifest with magical abilities. A college, by all rights, bound with secrets upon secrets within small, isolated, warring social factions that argue based on race, creed, or even talent.


Highly specialized, small, elite military primarily focused on defensive tactics. Soldiers and Archers have magically enhanced weaponry while being supported by powerful mages.

For the Guardians of Magic

Founding Date
2489 B.S.
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Alternative Names
The Consular
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Highblood, Consular, Aspirant, Devilblood
Government System
Economic System
Major Exports
Potions, Magical Items, Mages
Major Imports
Food, Aspirants