Infernal Outsider

Infernal Outsiders or Chthonites is the general name for the natives of the Lower Realms, specifically those of the Thirteen-point-one-two-seven-nine Hells and the Weirdwyld.

Though technically one singular species Devils and Demons are culturally so distinct, opposed and hostile to one another that they are seldom referred to by this term.

What they have in common is their general metaphysical attributes.
Namely they are not born but rather all descend from the Prime-Beings of the Lower Realms who split their essence into many parts over millenia.
Even today Devils and Demons can "reproduce" by splitting their essence and creating a separate and independent consciousness in this manner which they do for various personal or cultural reasons.
Chthonites do not require to sleep or breathe and subsist exclusively of the emotive radiation exuded by the sapient inhabitants of the Prime World Disk.

They do not age nor die. When hurt beyond what their shape can handle they break apart to reform in another place after a certain time has passed.
Demons reform in a location unique to the individual Outsider within the Weirdwyld while Devils reform in the sanctum of the Prince of Hell that they serve.
Both lose a fragment of their essence and power with each time they reform which is consumed by the Abyss which swirls below the Weirdwyld.

Devils and Demons distinguish themselves from one another by their culture and philosophy.
Devils are lawful and orderly. They live in the strict hierarchies at the top of which the Princes of Hell rule and prefer to feed of the emotional energy of those mortals who attempt to restrain, repress and restrict their desires, needs, urges and emotions but fail.
Demons are chaotic and anarchic, refusing to sort themselves into the hierarchies of Hell and preferring the unstable unrealities of the Weirdwyld as well as to feed on those mortals who unabashedly lose themselves in the pursuit of their darkest urges, their desires and the throes of their unrestrained emotions.

All infernal outsiders speak the Infernal tongue though the dialects of Devils and Demons are noticably distinct much like their speakers.
Genetic Descendants


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