BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Alandras is a deva, formerly Osrin's celestial protector and guide.   What deities Alandras is aligned with or beholden to is unknown, though Osrin's being drawn to what seemed to be a vision of Mount Celestia when seeking aid and a return to something similar to her previous path suggests he, or the deity or deities he serves, is of Lawful Good alignment. Several deities call Mount Celestia home.   Alandras and Osrin had not spoken for several years before she started to reach out to him again while in Barovia. However, he has agreed to help her in what capacity he is able to, including assisting Ayduin in breaking his pact with Seriach, and safeguarding Osrin's soul from assault on the Ethereal Plane when she was being resurrected. He has alluded to not being able to serve in his previous capacity due to work he is currently undertaking, but the nature of that work has not yet been revealed.

Cover image: by James Nalepa


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