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Berez was once one of the main three settlements in Barovia, founded around the same time as Vallaki and Krezk, and predating the founding of the village of Barovia. It was destroyed long ago by Strahd, allegedly due to his getting angry over some woman again — as Sylvain has noted, this is a recurring theme for the Lord of Barovia.   How long ago Berez was destroyed is unknown — Bren suggested it was around 200 years ago, but whether that's in Barovian time or Faerûnian time is hard to say. According to The Fall of Berez, the village was destroyed 150 years ago.   Berez is in the central part of Barovia, south of Argynvostholt, beside the Luna River. When the party visited it, they found the village in ruins, home not only to the dread witch Baba Lysaga but also to many other witches — including, apparently, the recently exiled Anna Krezkova. What the state of the ruined village is now, our heroes do not know.
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