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Sylvain's closest friend for the past 15 (ish) years. Based off his picture he looks like a scholarly mage, and though he cannot cast spells, he's magical in other ways. Rest assured that he can cater to your sexy librarian fetish at will; just give him a chance to track down some appropriately sexy spectacles. Anyway Sylvain, it's not like you know he's not an archmage yet. He's had a year! Maybe he's giving lessons at the university by now!   The most important thing you need to know about Bren is that he is the most handsome NPC. He knows you all thought that was Carac or Arrigal and he's sorry he has to rock your world like this, but actually, it's him. The second most important thing you need to know is the first sentence of this page.   Though Bren has been referenced extensively throughout Sylvain's journal, including several deeply unfair comments regarding when Bren would or would not start laughing hysterically at Sylvain's adorably unintentional innuendo, our heroes had little knowledge of him until, through an agreement with Zantras, Bren and Sylvain were able to speak in Sylvain's dreams. Though initially unsure of whether or not it was real or illusory, Bren's mentioning of friends of Osrin's who Sylvain had previously been aware of suggests some measure of truth in the exchange, or at least in the information therein.   Based off the dream interaction, Bren seems to be of a much less adventurous bent than some other NPCs in our heroes' pasts, confessing he was very much intimidated by some of those he met in the aftermath of our heroes' disappearance from the Trollskull, such as El'zai. Others, such as the much-maligned Cal and the owners of the Trollskull itself, he seemed rather fond of.   What else is there to say about Bren? Earth astrology doesn't really apply here but if it did he'd be a Taurus-Gemini cusp. Like Sylvain, he values the importance of good wine, good friends, and a good long bath. He spends much longer on his hair every morning than he reasonably should have to. His favourite colour is blue. Like Sylvain, he is a cat person — he likes dogs in theory, but then they get to the jumping and barking and slobbering part and it's just never as endearing as everyone else seems to think it is. Contrary to what he told Sylvain, he did eventually try the fried scorpions at the Trollskull, and instantly regretted it, but he did an excellent job of convincing its half-orc co-owner that he loved them — too excellent, in fact, as he ended up eating a dozen to keep up the lie before he managed to excuse himself.   Sylvain's notes on Bren - A gentle, human man in his late 20s with reddish-brown hair and soft features. He’s proud of the work he does and rightfully so as he is very good at it. The most calm and emotionally attuned to others out of all of us. He is probably the least capable in a fight, which is why he was never given any contracts with the “bodyguard” element to them (he’s a lover not a fighter). He ran away from an abusive home when he was a child, but had little to no idea how to survive on the streets, and had no friends to turn to that would watch his back. His small, trusting and gentle demeanour made him a target for many, so he stuck to safer wards to hide and beg for money where he could. Agreed to work and stay at Jewels after being tempted by a hot meal. Lucky little shit in that regard.   Bren very much lives in the present, having accepted a lot of his past and not worrying too much about the future. He loves pampering, cuddling, dressing up, and good conversation. Like myself, he enjoys wine and good company as well as a terribly written fictional novel (the worse, the better in the erotica/smut regard). Was probably the most accepting of my decisions to leave, though I fear I hurt him a little in the process. I made a promise that I would return often to see him. Unfortunately this gave Mathilde a lot of opportunities to guilt-trip me, but that’s something I can handle.   ...and yes he is the most handsome man in all the realms and no one can convince me otherwise. There. Happy, Bren?




Towards Sylvain




Towards Bren




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