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Chuckles just wants your love. Give him your love or he'll kill you.

Chuckles was a construct given to our heroes by Luvash following their rescue of Arabelle. (Along with 600 gp, after some bargaining and guilt tripping on Arabelle's part.) Apparently incapable of speech, Chuckles seemed mostly interested in doing tricks for people and endearing itself to them. Having examined the construct, Ri-An concluded that Chuckles was not innately evil, though as the party quickly learned, Chuckles was plenty capable of harming others.   Just as gleefully as it responded to any positive reinforcement, Chuckles seemed not to take criticism well at all. From the moment Sylvain proposed rolling it back up in the rug and stowing it away, Chuckles took to staring at Sylvain with the kind of hatred most beings reserve for decaf coffee or reduced fat cheese. Sylvain expressed his concern that Chuckles would try to kill them all in their sleep, but in the time it was with the party, if this was indeed Chuckles's goal, it was not successful.   Chuckles did not seem to be capable of speech — it communicated only through laughter, roughly transcribed as: hehehehehehehehehehehehehe.   Chuckles was tragically exploded into itty bitty pieces after triumphantly scaling a boulder at the top of tuama beannaithe — however, a matter of hours later, the party learned something miraculous about the construct: it could reassemble itself, provided the pieces of it remained close enough together.   As time went on, the party found themselves growing almost fond of Chuckles in some cases — they even made considerable headway on the "please don't plot to push any of us down the stairs" issue. At Castle Ravenloft, during the party's dinner with Strahd von Zarovich, so changed was Chuckles and Sylvain's relationship that it clung to Sylvain's clothes for much of their visit.   Unfortunately, following Strahd casually throwing a tidal wave at the party, it seemed Chuckles was undone a little more permanently; though Grghshnq did its best to recover all of Chuckles's pieces, it seems a few key parts are missing, as the construct has yet to reconstruct itself. The party carries the bulk of its pieces in their bag of holding, presumably holding out for the day finding those last few screws becomes a high enough priority to act on.
"Yep, that's cursed. Put it back in the rug."


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