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Ispati Mirsky

Ispati Mirsky (aka Spectacle Man) is a friend and ally of the Martikovs, a member of the Keepers of the Feather and has come to the party's aid on several occasions. He is 5'7" and plump, appears to be somewhere in his 30s, and has two piercings in his left ear — some scarring on both his ears suggests he's previously had other piercings which didn't heal correctly.   He was first spotted at the Orphanage of St. Andral, when he came rushing into the attic towards the end of the battle, at around the same time as two guards. At the time, he did not introduce himself, and he disappeared soon after.   The next time the party saw him was the following day, when he was sent by Danica to run some errands for them. He went to commission some work from the blacksmith — the silvering of Sylvain and Osrin's weapons, and a chain and spear for Ri-An. At the time, Sylvain told Ispati to guard Sylvain's rapier with his life — Ispati replied that if it was in between his life and the rapier, he would be choosing his life, but he'd take good care of it, anyway.   The next time the party saw him was at the Festival of the Blazing Sun, when he was in the crowd relatively close to the Martikovs. When the crowd began to turn against our heroes, Ispati began fighting back against them, and helped facilitate our heroes' escape — while Urwin and one of the Martikovs' female allies branched off towards the Blue Water Inn, Ispati and Danica went with the party to the west gate to see them safely out of the city.   Most recently, Ispati was the one Danica sent to deliver the belongings some party members had left back at the inn — specifically, certain belongings of Sylvain's and Ri-An's, along with Ireena's bag. He arrived in dramatic fashion, both he and his horse badly injured as they were attacked by wolves on the way to the Vistani camp camp. Ispati emphasized that he is officially done guarding Sylvain's belongings with his life now, and drank his share of wine and maybe a little bit of someone else's share over the course of the evening.   Later, during the party's dinner with Strahd von Zarovich, they learned that Ispati had been taken captive, and he spent the first several hours in their company still under Strahd's charm effect. He left with the party and Ismark Kolyanovich for the village of Barovia, where he remained to keep an eye on Ismark and reach out to some of his contacts in the village. His current whereabouts are unknown, though when the werewolves were in the village, they apparently saw him still alive.   The party does not know Ispati that well. He is generally quiet, but has demonstrated a penchant for sarcasm and a general air of fatigue.   Sylvain is especially sorry that his collection of clothes, spices, oils and smut nearly got Spectacle Man killed.
Current Status
Babysitting Ismark maybe?
Chin-length, brown, straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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