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Danica Dorakova

Danica Dorakova is the wife of the late Urwin Martikov Martikov, and the mother of Bray and the late Brom Martikov.   She was, when the party first met her, co-owner of the Blue Water Inn in Vallaki, before its destruction and her outing as a "lycanthropic spy."   The more business-minded in her marriage, Danica collected back payments for room and board while her husband triedd to slip everyone free wine.   Danica, along with her husband and children, was taken captive by Strahd von Zarovich in Castle Ravenloft for some time, before their rescue by Ezmerelda d'Avenir. During their captivity, Sylvain was able to speak to her in a dream crafted by Zantras, where it seemed she wasn't entirely in her right mind. Understandable, tbh.   She seems to be a figure of mingled fear, respect, adoration and devotion among her people — Urwin suggested waking her up from a nap is a near-suicidal act, and her go-to for summoning her husband or either of her sons was a mighty shout, quickly heeded. Indeed, after the attack on the Wizard of Wines and her subsequent resurrection, Danica became one of the leaders of the remnants of the Keepers of the Feather, along with Elvir and Makar.   She enjoys sarcasm, wine, making enough money to continue running a business, and winning. She does not enjoy trauma, whiskey, tedious people, or grief.


Danica Dorakova

wife (Vital)

Towards Urwin Martikov



Urwin Martikov

husband (Vital)

Towards Danica Dorakova



Elvir Martikov


Towards Danica Dorakova


Danica Dorakova


Towards Elvir Martikov



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