Lost Wyrmling Plot in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Lost Wyrmling

If the party has proven themselves trustworthy and competent by dealing with the zombies (Zombie Resurgence / Drowned Sailors), the myconids (Seagrow Caves) and the shipwreck (Cursed Shipwreck), Runara decides it's time to confide in them. She summons them to the temple (area A5). Read the following text;

Elder Runara smiles as you approach. "I have something to show you" she says. There is a flash like a silent stroke of lightning, and the human woman is gone. In her place is an enormous dragon with bronze-coloured scales. "Now you see me as i truly am" she says, tilting her head with an expression that might be a smile on her scaled face. "As you have discovered, this island has many old wounds. And i'm afraid the cycle of violence is starting again. I have one more favour to ask you"

Runara outlines the history of Eldenemir and the Legend of Stormwreck Isle, and explains that each site they have visited is linked to the death of a dragon. Then she tells them that a bronze wyrmling named Aidron came to the island a few months ago and studied with her at Dragon's Rest. Five days before the party arrived, he argued with her, angrily rejected her teaching of peace and stormed away from the cloister. She fears he went to the ancient observatory on the southeast side of the island, which is another dragon's final resting place. (Clifftop Observatory) She suspects some evil has arisen there, but says she dares not go there herself, lest her presence reopen old wounds. She gives them a moonstone key- a 3 inch long, 1 inch wide hexagonal prism made from moonstone, with a dragon's head engraved on one end- and explains that they'll need it to acces the observatory   Ending the Adventure Upon returning with Aidron to Dragon's Rest, Runara will be pleased with the wyrmling's save return. If Sparkrender is dead, she grieves the death of yet another dragon on Stormwreck Isle, but she doesn't condemn the party for killing him. She will reward the party a potion of healing and an exquisite pearl worth 100 gp. She welcomes them to stay at Dragon's rest as long as they wish and furnishes them with whatever supplies they need for their travel when they are ready to leave the island

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