Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge

Summer Camp 2024
Generic article | Jul 29, 2024

Summer Camp Reflections

July went by as a big blur of sun, health issues and furious typing. Still I would not want to have it any other way, except for my body cooperating more and not trying to kill me all of the time. But hey I guess that is life.   Summer camp is still my absolute favourite worldanvil challenge and always fill me with excitement and the urge to make new worlds and new things and new problems for my players to solve. This time I was able to stick with the good old medieval world for all of 42 prompts and I am pretty proud about that.    

Reading Challenge

As is a tradition for me, all of the prompts and articles I have picked for this reading challenge were through a random number generator.  
The Astri Pact
Document | Jul 21, 2024
This article is an absolute feast for the eyes and mind and definitely among my favourite I have read this year. I absolutely love the bits of prose, the structure, the design, the individual sections and how they flow so nicely together. The lesson here is: you can always do better. So do better. 
Colosseum of Vrahlis
Building / Landmark | Jul 6, 2024
Nice and concise, this article makes excellent use of the different template fields to give a complex picture of the location without actually giving us any pictures. A good reminder that text based articles can be well thought out and put together and not everything has to rely on more picturesque presentation.
The Worship of the Imperial Family
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 3, 2024

Worship the Shades of past Emperors and beg for Their forgiveness for the state of Their Empire! Remember our past glory and pray that They may send us Their guidance into dragging our city back to his previous heights!

Both delightful and slightly unhinged set of infographic that are so simple and yet so vivid in what they want to convey about the world. An excellent taste of the world that I am almost jealous of! A great example for myself that articles do not have to be just boring wikistyle account of fictional facts.
The Ruby Maned Wolf
Species | Jul 10, 2024

An agile creature, created by the fey to watch over and guard the borders of the Redwood.

Species are another template that I tend to struggle with, I am usually more interested in writing about characters anc character centric things and I don't really feel comfortable venturing into the lands of nature too much. This unusual take on wolves is definitely a piece I want to keep around for inspiration. With it excellent structure, great use of sidebar and just enough information that would make you excited to read more about the world, it has all of that I look for when it comes to good worldbuilding.
Nexus Health
Organization | Jul 31, 2024
I learnt that one should not be afraid to give out unique origin stories to common fantasy traits and mix genres together. Something I did not expect from an organization article and was pleasantly surprised with.
Vehicle | Jul 14, 2024
I always struggle with writing interesting vehicles so I am glad fortune made me land on this bite sized creation that was finally able to make electric scooters exciting and not a nuisance like they are in every day life, haha. Even ordinary things can be turned into fun little articles.
Vanai Island
Geographic Location | Aug 1, 2024
Every world needs islands for pirates and I should definitely include more of those.
Material | Jul 21, 2024
Another great example of using a less popular template and all of its fields to your favour. I also appreciated a glimps into a sci-fi game and universe I would not really be that interested playing or running myself, it is always fascinating to see what are other GMs up to and how they choose to organize their things.
Peter Piper's Personal Protection Pepper Powder
Item | Sep 8, 2024
An absolutely hilarious and inventive take on an item and an important reminder that worldbuilding should be FUN.
The End of the World
Myth | Aug 3, 2024
A story within a story, not a thing you see done well a lot and definitely a bold move for such a small article. It made for a fascinating read that leaves you wanting more.

Worldbuilding Goals

There is not much left of 2024, even if it seems a bit weird to say, when it is still technically "just" August. My overarching goal is simple: to write more than I did before. Hopefully I will be able to end the year strong!   Like always, Worldember seems much closer, looming like a giant worldbuilding mountain in the background. I think I will try to save most of my writing energy when the weather turns cold and miserable and I have no desire to go out and cosplay as a human. There is nothing better than to spend your winter holiday huddled inside with your loved ones, eating good food... and typing furiously :)   Optionally I want to also participate in the smaller challenges WA has to offer, there have been teasers about the upcoming one, then we have Spooktober, maybe NaNoWrimo and before you know it, the year is truly over. I really don't want to burn myself out, mentally or physically, and staying afloat so far has been a bit of a challenge. But I have decided to start posting monthly updates to keep me more accountable and in tune with my goals, so if you would want to follow along on that journey, feel free to share your accomlishments too over here. That little portfolio world is still in the making, but hopefully I will be able to make it a cozy, productive writing home soon.   Good luck to all! Thank you for reading!

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