Summer Camp 2024



It is absolutely insane to me that a WHOLE ENTIRE YEAR has gone by already... and my favourite worldbuilding season is back! I am half excited, half terrified as I have barely made a dent into my New Year's goals and resolutions so far due to ever so popular life stufftm. It is time to change (haha I could not resist) that!   For this year I have decided to go back to my project of passion and sword-stabbings, yes, we are going back to medieval arthurian-themed mess that Swords & Treachery is right now. It is supposed to be a game, but it has still such a long way to go. A perfect companion for long summer evenings.   Change itself is a wonderful theme to include in my worldbuilding, as I want the actions of the player characters have real impact on the world around them and I also want to include changes caused by seasons going by - be it a cruel winter or economical prosperity or maybe the wild flows of magical energy. Calendars and events are definitely something I would like to focus on, even if it does not exactly fit the more appropriate article templates that are used for this challenge.  

Summer Camp Pledge

  I am a diamond or die kinda girlie, there is no other way for me, my fate is sealed from now on until eternity!  


Most of my crimes against Categories and Tags are hidden from the sight of ordinary mortals, but it is painfuly obvious to me behind the scenes, that this world deserves some cleaning up to do before we unleash the madness of new articles. Hopefully I will manage to make it as user friendly as possible, before the competition starts. Stay tuned!  

Foundational Documents

I am not going to lie, I am actually not a big fan of the meta ( *gasp* I know I know, right to jail, right away with me). So I do appreciate the wording on this task, but do not appreciate the side eye it is throwing in my direction. While my motivations and goals for this little project remain the same, the base articles are due for some necessary upkeep. I totally know it but I am not happy about it! Watch this space for updates~  


Life in the medieval times was hard, even if it is the fun fictional fantasy version of medieval. There were always big scary things with a lot of sharp teeth or lightning spells or pitchforks to hide from. Preferably behind stone walls surrounded by a deep moat full of crocodiles. I think refuge is the absolutely perfect theme to explore the different types of buildings that will be available as group playbooks and the different types of upgrades they could offer to the players. Something I am excited to dive head first (unless you do happen to know any crocodiles hiding nearby). I really hope we will get some interesting building or landmark or location prompts for that. Heck I would not shy away even from a settlement!  


Despite being a recluse of an introvert, WA is the kind of a magical place that will never leave you alone, haha. This year I would love to get more active in the chapter, as I am usually slumbering like a dragon on top of my hoard of gold unfinished articles. On top of that, I have also decided to start a youtube channel, because there is no better thing to hold you up for some creative accountability like a public embarassement on the internet having to admit that you failed over and over again. Which will hopefully not happen at the end of all this. I am a summer camp pro at this point, I have to believe in myself at least a little!  


When it comes to styling I place readability above anything else. Fiddling with CSS and other creative things comes after all the articles are written. The only thing I plan to do about this last portion of the prep is making sure none of the things in this theme of the world is breaking any of its features or past articles. If by any chance I do have some left over time, I might try to source some art, but no promises on that.  


One of the things that I love about the arthurian legend cycle is how well the world of fairytales and myths is blending in with the new christian morals of the time. It is a unique mix of ingredients that I like exploring and seeing the patterns where conflicting narratives have found a compromise. Especially when this compromise comes in a form of a cool story.   And magic, religion and the inner works of sainthood and miracles is definitely something that is so far missing from my world and I want to write about in a greater detail. It also gives me a good excuse to do some good old fashioned mythology research as well.  


Inspiration comes in many shapes and forms, so far I had the luck to be able to rewatch Galavant which has sufficiently kicked my goblin gears into focus when it comes to this medieval nonsense that I am making here.    As quotes, music and other things are well represented in a meta section, I will most likely update it there as I need to rework it anyways. Ignore the mess for now please!  


I don't really want to go the AI route and I bought some charcoal pencils. I am not promising anything though, so don't get your hopes up. Shush, you heard nothing, alright?   The map thing is a bit more complicated. There are many areas that would benefit from having a cool location prepared in details, but I also want to keep the mapping portion to the kingdom generation part of the game. We'll see if I am able to find some form of a common ground between those too.   If not I will try to make some encounter maps, but I feel like fiddling with art and such is too big of a distraction when it comes to the actual writing. So I feel like this is the part of prep that I will leave to the very end of the month.  


One of my favourite thing about the Middle Ages is how they dealth with some of the dead bodies - meaning giving them to the church so they can be closer to heaven and subsequently the church having too many bones around and deciding that they could make for a WONDERFUL decoration all around. I hope I will get to explore some weird things like ossuaries that could remind the players how fragile life around them can be. I like the sinister edge it brings. And what kind of knights you would be if you didn't answer the calling of a dangerous adventure?  


I live in chaos, not necessarily thrive in chaos, but cleaning is my favourite way to procrastinate, but right know I would totally want to write something instead of actually doing some chores, thank you very much.    Tea shall be had though!  


While I do like the simplicity of this Bright theme and having a clean and minimalistic homepage, it does deserve some refresh.  

Meet the Author

Hello! I am Tris!   Please do not perceive me!   The funny thing is all my favourite articles are past summer camp articles from a different world that is currently on hiatus. I don't have the heart to hide them away or mess around with them, because that is a rabbit hole I might not return from until July is long over.      

Dimi Mission



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