The Worship of the Imperial Family

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
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Classroom Help—How to pray


Praying is a duty that all inhabitants of the city have to carry out.
However, it should be done in the correct way so as not to anger the Shades and bring a terrible curse on us...

Who to pray to
The Shades of all of the past Emperors
The Shades of the Imperial Family
The Shades of glorious citizens of the Empire
Why pray
No matter how little your own life and tasks are, we all have our role to play in dragging Elante back to its spot as the best and most powerful city in the entire world! So do your duty and pray...
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The Shades so that they do not curse us for being a blight on the history of Elante compared to the vertiginous heights to which they had brought it.
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What we used to be and that we have to keep fighting until we make ourselves worthy again of our glorious past.
For the blessing of the Shades so that we might receive their support and guidance while carrying out this sacred task.
Some heretics have been whispering that the Emperors brought their own end with their terrible experiences and that they should be cursed for inflicting dangerous magic floods on us. These fools forget that it is the Emperors' enhancement of the magic hotspot under the city that allowed them to gain the power to conquer their empire in the first place.   Our inheritance should not been seen as a curse but as the incredible gift that it is, and it is only our wretched self's fault for not being powerful enough to have anyone among us able to hold the entire city in their single hold anymore.
How to pray
  Sacrifice days   Throughout the year, days of worship are associated with a specific emperor or member of their family.   To worship them, symbolic magic is used, with a rune in the form of the imperial family's symbol and another representing the specific person being worship.   A ritual fire is lightened up, and either an object carrying the shape of the runes is burned or soot is used to trace the rune on the worshippers.   Prayers are then offered to the Shades to appease them and their anger at seeing the people of Elante being reduced to worms crawling over the ruins of their glorious Empire.  
These events are also the perfect occasion to worship any relics left from the Empire—which is why they should under no circumstances be sold to foreigners, no matter what fortune they might tempt you with.

Pray for forgiveness and support and devote yourself to the task of bringing Elante back to its glory!


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Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


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