Kingdom of Asturg Organization in Swordsrest | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Asturg (Ass-tur-g)

The Kingdom of Asturg has a warm, temperate climate, with hot summers and mild, rainy winters. There is only snow on the mountains tops of the Giant's Grave mountain range. It is a verdant, green land, which is mostly agrarian, relying on farming and fishing. As a primarily agrarian society, their primary deity is Dŷw. Asturg does a large amount of trade with Mocet, due to their proximity across the Emrallt Sea. This with their rich farmlands has led them to be a somewhat wealthy country. The country has a relatively small standing army, and its people are peace-loving.  
The Kingdom of Asturg is ruled by Queen Nyselle Zelise. The throne is passed down the female line. The Zelise royal line has ruled for three generations. Asturg was once two countries, Myran and Berun, that were merged when their royal lines were joined through marriage.  
Asturg lost a large part of its land mass to the Kingdom of Elath in the War of the Needles, including the Needle mountain range and Benacke Forest - The Great Forest. As a result, they have very poor diplomatic relations with Elath. The Giants Grave mountain range is the main reason why Elath didn't encroach further, that and the King Arunn Meiron's poisoning at the battle of the Burnt Plains. Asturg once lost some of its land to See of Frelor, but gained it back by a treaty allowing Frelor sea access.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute


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