See of Frelor Organization in Swordsrest | World Anvil
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See of Frelor (Freh-lor)

The See of Frelor is a warm and temperate climate with humid summers. It is a wealthy country due to its gem mines. As it is a landlocked country, it relies on good diplomatic relations with its neighbouring countries, especially Shoaland and Kingdom of Asturg, to allow ocean access. Brith river through Shoaland is their main access to the ocean. Drauk's raiding mean that the two countries have poor diplomatic relations.
  The ruler of the See of Frelor is the leader of The Order of the Holy Flame -Patriarch Vitalian Kor. It was once the Principality of Frelor, then in 3718 the ruling Prince Romet Sinor died, and his heir Tomar Sinor was poisoned 3 days later, before his coronation. Prince Romet Sinor had no more legitimate children to inherit, but he had 5 bastard sons, Harun, Yezdin, Boran, Gulasor, and Asvan. A power struggle ensued and the five princes fought to take the throne. This time was known as the time of the Warring Princes. After years of battles tearing the country apart, The Order of the Holy Flame entered the fray to take control of Frelor. In 3723, the final Warring Princ was killed and The Order of the Holy Flame declared victory and founded the See of Frelor.
  The primary deity worshipped is Urzor. Worship of the other gods of the Tetralogy is allowed to a certain extent, but worship of the Small Gods is sanctioned.
List of Festivals & Rituals
  • New Years Feast
  • Ritual of the First Flame
  • Celebration of The Gods
  • Call to the Sun
  • Spring Equinox
  • Feast of Ascension
  • Midsummer
  • High Harvest
  • Autumn Equinox
  • Samhain
  • Burns-night
  • Winter Solstice
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
Ruling Organization
Head of State
Government System
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations

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