Mountain Ranges of Iave in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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Mountain Ranges of Iave

Mountains of Hrúmaî


Bloody Peaks

Though technically part of the Zoroght Mountains, the Bloody Peaks are separated from the rest by a narrow straight. They have witnessed countless conflicts throughout history, as they served as the only land border between Ïural, home to the powerful Antaeran Empire, and Hrúmaî, home to three great realms. The rugged terrain and strategic location have made it a site of intense military campaigns, battles, and skirmishes. The peaks themselves are steep and treacherous, with jagged cliffs and narrow passes. Legends speak of blood-soaked battles fought in these mountains, and remnants of ancient fortifications can still be found.  

Zoroght Mountains

The Zoroght Mountains are the ancestral home of the Dwarven population. These majestic peaks are known for their vast underground cities and intricate tunnel networks. The Dwarves have carved out magnificent metropolises deep within the mountains, utilizing the natural resources and minerals found in abundance. The tallest mountains in T'bet Dal can be found here, their snow-capped peaks piercing the sky. The Dwarves guard their territory fiercely and are renowned for their exceptional craftsmanship and mining expertise. These mountains also serve as the natural borders between Uksar, Touhm, and Dusere.  

Mountains of Ïural


Scateren Peaks

The Scateren Peaks encompass Ïural's most desolate and unforgiving landscape. They are characterized by harsh weather conditions, extreme cold, and a scarcity of flora and fauna. The mountains are often shrouded in snow and ice, with howling blizzards that can strip paint from steel and flesh from bone. Only the hardiest of creatures and resilient alpine plants manage to survive in these inhospitable conditions.   The peaks are considered sacred by Ïural's inhabitants, and tales speak of ancient spirits and mystical phenomena that roam the frozen expanse.  


The Haddariel, sometimes called the Haddariel Mountains by outsiders, form a natural shield, protecting ___, the capital of Antaer. These formidable mountains are known for their imposing peaks and rugged terrain. They stretch across a vast expanse and act as a barrier against invading forces. To the south, the waves of the Alshela Sea crash against the base of the peaks. The strategic importance of these mountains has led to the construction of numerous fortifications, watchtowers, and defensive structures along their slopes. The Haddariel are revered as the guardians of the empire, instilling a sense of security and pride in the Antaeran people.  

Mountains of East Treinn


Livyatan Mountains

The ancient Livyatan Mountains, though relatively short compared to their red Hrúmaîan brethren, are renowned for their treacherous nature. They are teeming with dangerous wildlife, making them a challenging and hazardous region to navigate. Fierce creatures, including mythical beasts and monstrous predators, roam the rugged terrain. Adventurers and hunters are drawn to the Livyatan Mountains, seeking to test their skills and bravery against the untamed wilderness. The mountains are also believed to hold hidden caves and forgotten treasures, adding to their allure and danger.  

Mountains of West Treinn



Dzgash'kolu is often described as a wasteland of razor-sharp peaks. The mountain range is characterized by its rugged and harsh environment, with towering cliffs and deep crevices. The peaks appear foreboding, and many consider them uninhabitable due to their extreme nature. A misstep can lead to a bruising fall or even a perilous plunge into the depths of Kythonia, a vast underground realm rumored to hold unspeakable horrors and untold riches alike. The Dzgash'kolu range is shrouded in mystery and serves as a haunting backdrop to tales of daring explorers and tragic adventurers lost to the unforgiving landscape.


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