
When was it founded?

Officially, a couple of decades ago, but even before that, smaller groups were doing what the Blightwardens do nowadays. Founding the Blightwardens organized these smaller groups and gave them greater resources.

What are their responsibilities?

Their common goal is to fight against the blight rot. Keep it in check and try to eliminate its presence. The responsibilities of the various teams within the Wardens:
  • Mucus collectors: They are the ones who collect the slime, mucus that is the byproduct of the metabolism of the blight slime. It is a smelly, dirty job, but someone has to do it.
  • Purgehands: They are mainly menders who treat patients infected by the blight rot.
  • Vial smiths: They are a mixed group of alchemists, jewelers, and handypersons who create the alchemical injectors and the concentrated, purified mucus and try to find new solutions to combat the blight.
  • Blight trackers: Their responsibility is to discover and map all the blight rot within Tacillia. A couple of them work in the Glade of Decay, but most travel all around the continents to find the dangerous spots.
  • Administrators: They are the people who organize the other groups, satisfy their needs, and hire new members to the Blightwardens.
  • The board: The board consists of a member of every team, and they regularly discuss the achievements and future plans of the Blightwardens

Where do they operate?

Their activity is concentrated in the Glade of Decay within the bugbear forests on the Muaclun continent. This group has a tent village in the hills of the ogre nation, close to the glade. The rest of the wardens work all over Tacillia, where blight rot exists.

Who are the members of the Blightwardens?

Surprisingly, there aren't many bugbears. For some reason, they are not interested in what is happening within their forests. A bugbear invented the alchemical injector, but most exert little effort to save their forest. Most of the members are from the Dominion. There are a couple of ogres, lizardfolk, lupians, and even a few skat'ra workers sent by the queens. They are mostly the movers of heavy stuff. According to rumors, the skat'ra workers were sent so that the queens could figure out how the blight affected the skat'ra. Based on observational data, there aren't any differences between the skat'ra and other intelligent species. Their chitin armor can't protect them from the blight.
The Blightwardens do essential work. The Parliament stands fully behind them
— Rogmesh, Eminence of the Parliament


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