Jade ritual

What the ritual is about?

At the end of the ritual, the continent Muaclun is covered by a magical blanket. Until the magic persists, everybody can use a jade totem to ask for protection from the Peak.

Where is the ritual conducted?

The site of the ritual is Peak Haven, located within Stoneguard Mountain. Within Peak Haven, there is the Crystal Chamber, where all the Peak rituals are performed.

Preparation for the ritual

There are a few steps to prepare for the ritual. A stable platform that will hold the jade stone must be built in the middle of the Crystal Chamber. Then, two concentric circles are drawn around the platform. The only importance of these circles is that the members of the Stonesteppers will know where they should stand during the ritual. Shortly before the ritual, the jade stone is put on the platform from its usual place. The biggest challenge during the preparation is to create enough space for the Stonesteppers and spectators.

Steps of the ritual

First, the leader of the Stonesteppers approaches the jade stone, and while starting to cast the base of the detection spell, the leader places their hands on the stone. He is the conductor of the ceremony and, together with the jade stone, is the conduit of the spell. Then, one by one, the masters of the Stonesteppers, positioned in the first circle, join the spell, adding their magical power to it. When all of them are joined the spell, the apprentices in the second circle do the same as their masters. When everyone joins, the leader of the Stonesteppers finishes the spell and pours all the magical energy into the jade stone. The stone unleashes all the collected energy and releases the magical blanket above Muaclun.

What is considered a failed ritual?

There is only one possible outcome for that. When the jade stone can't handle all the collected energy and shatters during the ritual. This happens sometimes, but there is always a backup stone to retry the ritual the following day. The second version of a failed ritual is more of a moral failure. The size of the magical blanket is based on the collective magical energies of the Stonesteppers. If there are few Stonesteppers, the blanket will be smaller, and the Peak won't be able to perform their duty.
It was beautiful to witness the ritual the first time, knowing that a similar ritual helped me and my youngling to get to Peak Haven
— anonymous ogre mother


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Aug 16, 2024 18:16

I enjoyed how you explained the ritual and what takes place.

Aug 17, 2024 16:40

Thank you for your kind words! It means a lot because all my rituals feel flat to me. I already thinking in my head how to improve it. Hopefully I can after we can touch the articles again.

Aug 19, 2024 22:06 by Deleyna Marr

I like that you included what can go wrong. It gives more richness to the ritual.

Aug 19, 2024 22:30

Thank you for your feedback! I'll definitely add this to other rituals in the future where it makes sense.