Jade totem

What is it used for?

The jade totem is a component of the Stonesteppers' jade ritual. It is used by those who want to request help from the Peak.

What is it made from?

In theory, the jade totem can be made from anything. The material is not important. You can create the totem from wood, stone, or even a piece of cloth. But it is essential to use the symbol of jade on the totem. Either by carving, painting, or doing anything the totem maker can think of. Jade is a vital stone type for the ogres. It represents longevity.

How to use it?

The totem by itself is just a cheap item. You must combine it with the jade ritual to be effective. However, because jade is a common symbol within the ogre nation and used everywhere to contact the Stonesteppers, the totem must have the symbol of the Peak on the other side. When both jade and Peak symbols can be found on a totem, the jade ritual alerts the Stonesteppers, and they bring the person back to Peak Haven.

Who can use it?

Everybody. In the past, it was used only by ogres, but there isn't a constraint that only ogres can use it. For a decade, Cursed members started to use the jade totem, too, and based on an agreement, the Shroudguard can bring wards from Grimbor to Muaclun, too. However, the jade ritual does not cover all of Muaclun. A small but sizeable part of the Southern Marshes is not enveloped with magic, but at the moment, it is not an issue because the Degraded so far refused to use the protection that the Peak can offer.

How important is the totem?

Within the ogre society, it is crucial. Ogre younglings are born very small and weak. It takes them years to be big and strong enough to survive independently. In addition to this, ogre females don't give birth every year but raise their younglings for years. Protecting both females and younglings is paramount to the survival of the ogre nation. All this, combined with a powerful magical ritual, made a simple item into one of the most sacred totems of the ogres.
I can't imagine how we survived before the Peak and their protection
— anonymous ogre female


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