Mucus collector

Who are they?

The mucus collectors are a branch of the Blightwardens. Their responsibility is to collect and store the blight slime mucus. Unfortunately, because of the dirty and smelly nature of the work, there are far too few mucus collectors.

What qualities a mucus collector should have?

First and foremost, they shouldn't be repugnant of the blight slimes and mucus they must collect. They must be committed and highly supportive of others' needs because it is only possible to do this job for a long time with these traits. Last, but not least, it is a boon if the collector doesn't have a sense of smell because the constant stink of the slime is unbearable.

Where do they operate?

Exclusively in the Glade of Decay. The blight slime lives here, and to collect their mucus, the collectors must follow the creatures. Unlike other members of the Blightwardens, they spend their whole day within the glade. Therefore, they are constantly exposed to the blight rot and must protect themselves continuously by applying the blight slime mucus on their body. Still, they had to be away from the glade from time to time for extended periods to see if the blight affected them or not. During these periods, they are treated as potential patients.

What is their equipment?

You don't need much to collect the mucus: a couple of scrapers to scrape the mucus from the blight slimes, a shovel, a specialized sifter to collect the mucus from the ground, and various containers to hold the mucus.

How are they treated?

It depends. The Blightwardens have a favorable opinion about them. They know how important the work they are doing. Of course, even though their reputation is positive within the Blightwardens, it is still hard to convince any other members of the organization to do the collectors' job. Outside the Blightwardens, at best, people are neutral about them, but mostly, they are treated negatively, and many people are even afraid of them. This comes from the fact that they are constantly working within the blight, and everybody is afraid they might get the infection from the collectors. Plus, because they are continually applying the blight slime mucus on their bodies to protect them from the blight, after a while, their skin absorbs the smells, and there isn't any way to get rid of it.
Everyone says I stink. I don't know. I've lost my sense of smell after the first week
— anonymous mucus collector


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